Friends and BCT

Sunday I rode with Ian down to join Jimmy and Christine, Lee, and Elijah to ride a piece of the Black Canyon trail going north. Jimmy is former owner of Bike and Bean, Ian is part of that former gang, I met Lee her first ride here back years ago. We met at TH off AZ 69 near Mayer. Route was lollipop on BCT then side loop on S shoulder of Copper mtn. Weather was shorts warm, last nice day for near forecast future, get it today before Sedona trails receive more precip and freeze thaw mud. The tread on BCT is firm.

Christine, Ian, Elijah, Jimmy, Lee, Start of N bound BCT

Trail is pedal ride, nothing to lift up the front wheel. 14.7 miles climbing 1476′. Elevation in low 4,xxx’.

Looking S

Rode thru this patch of purple rocks. Share reason for color.

Purple rocks

Jimmy rides a Revel Rascal, Christine, his wife, rides a Ranger, Craig, the friend, rides a Rail. 3 Revel riders.

Back at the TH we lingered in the more pleasant weather visiting. Jimmy and Christine are looking forward to traveling the country like I have been doing.

Super Bowl was played yesterday.

Today forecast called for snow after 11. I drove up to Sedona for PT, snow started falling at completion of treatment. Back with Eric, an avid mountain biker and other activities. I returned to VOC where snow had let up with none sticking. Forecast calls for well below freezing at night and not much above freezing during sunshine.

Group ride dynamics are different than just Doug and I riding together. Today we pretty much kept our heads down and pedaled. Doug and I pedal the same effort but seem to stop more frequently. But when I ride by myself I pretty much ride with maybe a short safety meeting break. In every ride our heart rates are well above a hike.  You are either a biker or a tourist, multi recreating sucks: your body follows your eyes.