Ah, season change

Forecast wants cold even adding in snow. Calendar says should be expected. Yesterday clouds blocked blue sky. Last day of fall colors before weather knocks the leaves off the trees. Yesterday I drove up to Skyliner for leaf peeping of a small aspen grove. Gold there with gray skies. Filled water from well, I like the water.

Yesterday the ENT DR examined CT scan and me reaching the medical conclusion that headache is not in his purview, referred me to neurologist as he thinks I have nerve damage which is sending the signal.

I checked the forecast for La Pine where I will someday have my small house built, La Pine is colder than Bend albeit almost same elevation. Snow forecast for next 2 days with less than 1″ landing which above freezing temps will melt. I plan on staying here again tonight to experience weather. US Highway 97 is a major N/ S route from here to Bend, a section of it get snow covered enough that chains can be required. My van lacks winter traction devices. Smokey today, air quality is orange. Oakridge has flash flood warning with precip falling on Cedar Creek fire which is where smoke is coming from.

Season change reality hit my clothing choice as this morning I changed to long pants and resequenced my clothes in the dresser drawer for long on top and short underneath. Still wearing Bedrock sandals as last hold out.

New Propex arrived overnight, shop still holding to Tues install.

Last night I researched an ocean visit, forecast on coast is for rain and snow on the passes. Even considered fuel cost. I really have no attraction to the ocean so I was easily persuaded to stay this side of the mountains.

My knee seems to be healing as I resist using it. This weekend’s forecast precip will turn Bend’s trails to hero dirt. I am planning on testing the knee on Monday. Thinking if I am convinced knee is not damaged enough for repair I will head out working my way south.