I speak for myself but wonder about others thoughts. Why do we do what we do? Why do we do under challenging conditions? Why do we do that scares us?
The last week temps were 90s to 100, I still rode at the same level of exertion. One ride before I finished my skin was hot and dry, I did not drink all the water that was available. I cooled off with an ice pack around my neck and numerous refreshes of a wet cloth on my core. Avoided heat injury. But why did I ride when so hot and with effort? External validation? Elevated stature in peers’ eyes? Satisfaction of spitting into the wind and getting away with it? I had concern for heat stroke and being by myself. Self sufficiency that I met the challenge alone. subsequent rides were hotter, on each I concentrated on sucking on the hose, my skin remained damp. One ride back in NC Todd and I rode in a thunderstorm with the flash of light and explosion of thunder were at the same time and we were high up. It’s gotta get better. We escaped with a story to tell. Even wet arm hair stands up. I could sit on my chair in the shade and drink room temp water.
Why push? How long should a ride be to be counted as a ride? Less than 60 mins sucks, 3 hours is a stretch. Less than 100’/ mile? Plan the route to lessen the hard climbing.
Badgers have dug burrows in places right against the trail. Varying degrees of freshness. Yesterday afternoon I saw motion in the forest nearby. I discerned it to be 3 badgers head to tail motoring by about a rope’s length. This morn in the dust behind the van a single badger tracks in the dust. Last eve I walked a piece of catch and Release from my anchor: a serious badger hole.
Slept with the side door open last night. Fridge looses its cool during the heat.
Yesterday another ultrasound was performed on my leg to compare previous result to compare clotting. Same 3 chronic clots. That was at 8:15 A. Before 10 I parked in Crow Feet’s parking lot awaiting completion of fork service. Treated the fork to an early service. Bike and me were out of the shop by 11.
Ample time to ride the North Fork of Tumalo creek loop from Skyliner which is higher and cooler than town. Pedaled up Tumalo creek trail. I creeped climbing on the section that I hit 25 descending. Trail ends at start of North Fork trail which is very popular with hikers to view various falls. For bikes it is one way up. 3.54 miles climbed 997′ on dirt single track shared with hikers going and coming. Pedaled for 47 mins non stop but for several photos. Tree cover for shade.
End in Happy Valley, turn on to Metolius Windigo to Mrazek, descent Farwell, descend back down Tumalo. Wild up there in the watershed.
Down Farwell. I believe I worked 3 times over the years cutting back the ceoanthus from edges of the trail, we always left the manzanita. I cut this piece 2 years ago. Today another person’s brushing went after everything:
It’s 9PM, time to start for bed. I need to wipe down my dried sweaty body off from todays 2 hour ride in the heat. Catch and release to Storm King climb to Grand Slam down to Ticket to Ride to Catch and release back. During a sit down I watched a woman rider pedaling uphill on an ebike. I asked her how it feels to be illegal. She said she is not using the motor so therefore she is legal. Perhaps she removed the battery to loose weight. Rode by myself almost entire ride. Morning mid week ride in the heat thins the crowds.