
Taking smaller bites? Something is good enough? Brain making peace with body? Preservation stronger than risk? Couch more comfortable than bike saddle?

Yesterday I invited Andrew to join me on a ride I name SSS, Skywalker, Scorpion, Sketch, there are several additional trails to make the loop. I am able to ride all of Skywalker but a bike length piece of off camber pedal up tread. Scorpion has places of basalt babyheads that challenge me, not the bike. I make most but there are several that pose increased loss of remaining on top of wheels. I learned that I was either giving a not even the ol’ college try or walking. I pick my way among and over those stand ups. Part way down I made a conscious decision to bash over the rocks abandoning being way overly protective of the wheels. Sometimes the best line is rough and the bike is capable. And most times it is about inertia. Note to body from the brain: relax those pointer fingers, and pedal. Sketch is aptly named as it is mostly narrow bench ridden up and down trail. The same walk pieces remain with me no closer to even trying them.

Schurman, Scorpion descends right to left above road

Picking what is more pleasurable comes from familiarity. For the most part last year I rode at previously ridden trails as I had memory of that ride would require of me. The trail certainly then how is it better ridden? Sedona and Bend have a trail network that allows all kinds of route choices linking trails for more smiles than scowls. I knew what Devil’s Gulch, MT Coeur d’Alene, and MT Spokane were brutal climbs but pedalable. Scorpion I can avoid and only ride it down. Western Gateway trail network can be linked to lessen nasties. Smaller bites.

My eagerness, if plotted on a graph, would show a declining slope. Self talk to saying it’s good enough. Settling. How much enjoyment is necessary to overcome discomfort? Really, mountain biking requires effort. Define fun that people tell me to have.

To me repeated rides on a trail connect it to me. I know what to expect and my success. To be a one and done is just that, I did it, moving on.

Andrew is a riding buddy I met way back back in odyssey time. We were going in opposite directions on the NUT, North Umpqua Trail, near Toketee lake. His group from Hood River area invited me to ride the next day, I didn’t turn down a shuttle that eliminated pedaling back to start. Over the years several of that group have connected with me somewhere or I ran into them. Andrew found me last year here in Sedona and rode yesterday. We rode trails he was seeing for the first time and nailed everything that I struggled with ( see above).

Weather today is overcast, chilly, windy, and showers forecast. Toasty in van. Tomorrow may be better weather, then there is always the next day. Hanging at a place gives me the choice of choosing my ride days.

Back at outlet mall parking lot. Many apartment units are across the street, several residents have dogs that are walked through the lot to the abutting wash. Appears that poop bags are used and removed. Thurs night walking back from PJ’s I heard lots of coyote talking. Were they describing the delightful morsel of a domestic pet run loose? Javalinas live in the urban forest interface as do coyotes. I have yet to see an animal carcass or skeleton while out riding, or walking, or looking. Buzzards are not noticeable.

Water pump on van is leaking, due for replacement. Condition was noted back at ST George.

Monday my eyes and teeth will be checked.

Chiro adjustment on Thurs improved my well being. He identified problem areas with a finger push. Ouch.


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