“They say a person’s personality is the sum of their experiences. But that isn’t true at least not entirely, because if our past was all that defined us, we’d never be able to put up with ourselves. We need to be allowed to convince ourselves that we are more than the mistakes we made yesterday. That we are all of our next choices, too, all of our tomorrows.”
Anxious People pg 325, Fredrik Backman
This afternoon I visited Dudley’s bookstore downtown. Independent book seller. I buy all my books from him. When I finish one I give it back and receive credit which I use to pay for the book I am purchasing. Today a clerk(?) struck up a conversation about the writer and about the book. We went on for good discussion. I decided to buy my second copy of Anxious People for my next read.
Still temps in the 90s and on good days only 80s. Still below 70 at night for sleeping.
I am parked in ground squirrel and chipmunk land, I said that. This year I either missed the bitterbrush seed harvest or drought prevented providing food for these mammals. At my anchor I watch activity from chasing another to burying a cashew. Today i did bad by tossing out 4 cashews on the ground close to my open van door. Their sense of smell is very acute. A squirrel by itself moseyed up to first nut. It picked it up with its front legs then sat back on its haunch then it scampered away. I watched it bound away stopping at a spot I could see. I watched it furiously did a hole with its front feet then stuff the nut down and cover it it. It worked its way back for another nut. This time it was a straight away grab and dash to an unseen place. Small critters are exciting better viewed when one is not scampering inside my van.
Sat I picked up my bike after fork service and a new book from Dudley’s then drove back to anchor spot. So far no tire or foot prints to my empty, but marked with stuff used for camping, anchor spot. Full on sideways sun from mid afternoon till about 5 intensity lessens. The van provides shade as the earth moves. OK spot as no one can crowd in.
Sunday I had visions of 33 mile Mrazek ridge ride after thinking about the ride last night after a day of rest. My hip is not happy but responding to stretches and exercise. I started up Ben’s listening to the signals being sent. I could do this but I would be happier with less. And so I kept straight at the junction to continue up Ben’s to continue climbing on Pine Drops. Today is Saturday meaning logging operations were discontinued and open for usual recreation. Pine Drops and upper portion of Grand Slam were open. Down Grand Slam to Catch and Release all by myself. The over to intersection of KGB and Expressway. Exp was the shorter route back. I read computer data and listened to my body. Go big or go home. I added the rest of KGB to start of Kent’s because I wanted to ride down Kent’s. 26 miles.
Today I rode N Fork loop. After breakfast and visit with Jimmi I drove up to Skyliner’s lodge parking. I filled water from outside spigot well water. I pedaled up Tumalo Creek trail, the one I have a speed record for, then thru the parking lot for N Fork trail which follows the creek up mountain. Lots of hikers going and coming. For bikes it is one way only: climb. Over time from the erosive effect of years of foot traffic many roots are exposed in the trail. They are not slippery, it’s just the size, quantity, and angle of repose. Juke and jiving ever upwards. I stopped for every hiker unless I was bidden to proceed. One woman hiker called out, “Hey, you are the green Sprinter guy.” Flabbergasted I stopped and asked how she knew me. She said we shop Newport Market. Several view spots to the flowing creek.
Time out. Functions are slowing down and down. Ride was not all that hard per computer data. I’m tired.
Next day, another go.
Forecast called for low prob of t-storms today, Tuesday. No thunder but off and on gentle rain, enough to turn on wipers and see puddles. Taking a rest day today which will prepare me for maybe brown pow tomorrow.
The N Fork pedal sticks close to creek offering views of waterfalls and the sight of free flowing clean water.

Then this is viewsheds on the trail

N Fork ends in Happy Valley which seemed to be mosquito free. Picked up Met Win over to start of Mrazek ridge then continue down to junction of Farewell for descent to pickup Tumalo creek zoom back to van. Ride was 14.2 miles climbing 1575′ almost the same as my S Fork loop. Farewell has several patches of exposed sharp edged babyhead rock sections where momentum and courage to steer a straight line are required. I am trusting the stoutness of my wheels to withstand the blows. Wide handlebar for leverage and a capable suspension.
This is a view of hand dug fire line around the small fire right off Farewell trail. I dug line like that 51 summers ago when I was on the Umpqua NF fire suppression crew.

Stans has sealed the tire puncture. I listened to a pod cast by Stans who said when a puncture occurs and sealant spits out to keep riding as the sealant will work. The sealant contains small particles in a carrying liquid which will flow out the hole dragging along the particles which clog up the hole and possibly plug the leak. Saved buying a new $85 tire.
Rail is 5 weeks old almost, I have ridden it 26 rides covering 432 miles, just about ready for new chain.
Pandora moths are flying, mating, laying eggs, then fall back to earth. The adult stage is the reproductive stage, they have no mouth parts or digestive system, they do their “courting” on stored energy. Pretty amazing endurance.
Men wear clothes, women wear costumes.