Back in Bend….. with assitance

Well, do tell.

I treat the health of my van with care. There are 2 repair shops I trust their work, in Sedona and here in Bend. In anticipation of being in the same town as the Bend shop is located I called this morning to schedule a physical on the van. It was due for oil change that they will. Plus the physical identifies current and possibly future issues that will be attended 2. I was around 125 miles out of Bend. Another windy drive sometimes head on other times strong cross wind hitting the driver’s side. Been driving many miles beaten by the wind. Today’s drive was west bound on hwy 20. I stayed way east of Burns on BLM land. I researched where public land was along my route. Once a bit past the no gas station town of Juntura was a big patch of BLM land. I believed there would be legal roads into the land that I could find an anchor spot. I see a roadside sign welcoming me into BLM land right past a nicely paved road to the right. My rule is go for the first spot, within reason. I hoped that that road would remain on public land and that I could find a spot. The road climbed and twisted. I was looking for the first spot off this road. One did appear. Score.

So this morning I get up and at it. Today is a rest day and a making of clean clothes laundromat in Hines,OR. Nice facility, all machines were operating. Hung the bikes clothes on the inside line, made ready to drive, then started the van, put it in drive and continued on hwy 20 which goes thru miles and miles of sage desert ahead of me. Long ways from population density. Buffeted by the wind. I heard a sound that sounded like a bearing spinning that lasted for less than a minute, it quit, then started again, maybe 3 times I heard that sound.I thought the wind was causing the window deflector on the passenger side was creating the sound. Van’s performance was OK as I was on flat. When the first uphill was under my wheels I pressed harder on the pedal but the transmission did not downshift and seemed to have lost power. Oh, that’s not good. Go for the big disease: turbocharger would explain loss of power. BLM sage desert and miles from Bend with prolly no cell. I kept driving and mentally worked up fearing the van would die and road shoulder not a pleasant spot to crash on. Evey climb speed dropped an the engine would seem to me running on non turbo. I wanted to make Brothers where I hoped I could get cell. The van got us to the rest stop at Brothers which lack a certain vitality. I called the repair shop telling them I will now be in way before my appointment and explained what I knew happened and he gathered info from the repair side. I thought I could make the shop under my own power and do no harm to the van. I started up, engine sounds fine, then steered back on highway. During gentle acceleration I heard maybe rushing air caused by engine. Shit, no good. Van needs to be towed. Years ago during a previous tow I learned that AAA policy is the way to go, I heeded his advice and am a member. Towing was as simple as answering questions from the rep and towing will be dispatched. Tow was on its way to me very shortly. Flatbed arrived. Driver’s name is Kyle same a one of my sisters, and he pronounced family name the way we do. We chatted non stop the hour drive. My van which is a sail in its own shape is anchored onto the bed of a flatbed. And it was very windy. Several times he countered steered from a gust. So he unloads my van in a preferred sleep in the parking lot location. I walk into the repair shop, Import Performance, and greeted Casey my past advisor. I told him this is the second time I have arrived at his shop via towing. He said there might be time still today for it to be looked at then decide repair. He made arrangement for my use of the loaner car before I asked which I did. A tech drove the van into a bay. It’s near 4 now. Casey reports tech discovered the intercooler hose was not attached and the air cleaner trapped enough dust for a 6 year old sand box. He ordered a filter which did not arrive before closure. They returned the filter to allow me to drive. Also I asked about transmission. They checked the level which was 1 quart over. He removed that amount. I will return tomorrow for the new air filter. Turbo is fine. Loss of power was caused by the loose hose. I had driven thru dust storms when i could not see the dust.

I was able to drive away, destination 10 Barrels on the west side. The van drove like a champ, seems rumble strip noise is less. I bought needed groceries at Newport Market where I shop. I bought what I need and visited with 2 checkers we know of each other. Finished short drive to 10 Barrel and walked in. Wait to be seated, hostess greats me, she’s new. She gives me an outside table for 4 as there are no open bar seats where I prefer to sit. I walk to the bar expecting to see any of the past tenders. No past guys, all new people. Change. I was going to eat there but decided to split. I am processing the change of the loss of people I had known for years that helped make 10 Barrel my living room.

So I drove out to Phil’s. Drive past the TH downhill to see many rigs parked in the first camp spot. This doesn’t look good: Crowded. I tried my favorite spot, on the way I looked uphill towards the spot and saw white rig. Nuts. Backed up then found this little hideaway spot for anchor. After dinner I went for a walk towards that spot. A white van with red and white plate, Mass possibly. And there was another van parked right next to it. Has the signs of a young couple I met last summer sharing this spot. I walked past a few feet when a guy ran into the road and called me by name. It was the same young couple as last year.

So that’s how I moved into Bend.

On Wed I left Wood River Valley as Steve and Mia were off to a horse event and many trails were still under snow for riding there. I liked riding at Indian Springs down east of Twin Falls and that’s what I did. Primitive sustainable hand built trails and official trails are on Trailforks. Almost all of the trail signs have been destroyed and there are many cow paths that could be the bike trail. I put together a loop over to Dry Gulch up same to Hot Shot so named for hot shot fire crew that put out a fire here(?). Dunno. A trail builder told me he sees the land as a blank canvas. Tgis trail put much imagination in it. That and riding over cow shit of ages from almost right from the container or aged. My bike matches that guys bike I asked about during my first visit. Then the mostly downhill started. Challenging single track as in twisty but just  a few tech stuff I couldn’t ride. 16.6 miles climbing 1430′ in 2 hrs 26 mins. Good hump.

I packed up then headed west. I would arrive in Boise as drivers would be leaving the city rush to get home. Three lane interstate highway stop and go til past must be the exit where all these drivers live. Boom, like grass thru a goose and I was on open highway.

On Tues Steve and I rode Hidden Valley out and back. It is up Bouillon Basin past Croy. weather forecast called for possible thunderstorm. Steve said we should get going. We drove our separate vans to the TH. We both added rain jackets. We pedaled away under inhospitable clouds. Hope is to finish our ride before the weather turns. Out and back. We did. I stayed after Steve left. Shortly a thunderstorm hit. 2 women hikers wearing rain jackets ran to their car, drenched. I left after bit driving to the main Croy trailhead where I had internet service. while there a monster t storm hiit with high winds, small hail and hard rain. It would have been beyond miserable to have been caught by it.

Now in Pacific time zone. Locally it is 10 PM, for me it is 1 hour later. I need to make friends with my bed.

Good Night.

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