Still here in Moab. One more dinner and then the big feed. I am helping at the Waba Sabi feed.
Monday night forecast materialized starting with rain sprinkles after dark which changed to snow until the bladder ran dry. Woke to snow on the windshield and covering the red sand and bare bushed outside. Riding is a past tense for a while until sun warmth melts remaining snow and evaporates moisture from trails and that is before the next system later this week. I spent the day inside Tuesday reading Every Breath which was a touching people story.
Just about dark a dirt bike pulled up beside me. It was Reid from town. On his ride they were in a wash as the wash run approached them. Just a foamy front, they escaped drenching. I made an appointment with him today to give another go at sealing the leak on the roof. Last spring we removed the solar panel and sealed the insert holes but left the body join untaped. Last week during the sprinkles my roof leaked again. Today we removed the panel again and layed Gorrila glue tape over that seam. 2 of the inserts spun free from the body that didn’t allow us to back the bolts out. Hmmm. Reid has lots of tools and they provided him the opportunity to find the correct ones and imigination on how to free the solar panel bracket to get at that untaped seam. We cut the bolts off then drove the other end into the van. The body holes were too loose to hold replacement rivnuts so we bolted from the inside. All the body join seams are taped with the longer lasting Gorrila tape and the solar panel mounting holes are sealed. worked outside in the chill. Next test is Thurs.
Weather is what it is. In previous Thanksgiving visits the snow held off till after the feast day. Oh, this year the feast is the last week of the month, perhaps other times it was the week before.
Recently I looked back on my blog history selecting 2009 Thanksgiving. I was around Hurricane, UT recovering from my lacerated left kidney. 6 weeks of recuperation to allow healing. This year my unrepairable right shoulder is sending not happy signals. I made a massage appointment for Fri to see if therapy will eliminate my pain.
Snow is forecast into the weekend which affects my travel plans to Hurricane which is also receiving precip. Dunno about visiting.
At Reid’s I put my visco elasatic mattress topper in his warm house while we worked on the roof. I checked on it and saw that it did not unfold by itself, it took both of us to stretch it out. I returned it to his warm house for further expansion. Later this after I will return and trim it to size. Taking Reid t dinner tonight.
I neglected to take desert pics of the snow and its melting.
Took a shower at Aquatic center in town. last one was 6 weeks prior. The shower was good because it rinsed off the small of my back that I can’t reach with my normal wipe down. The facility was warm.
Memories of past visits. back in 2006 on my maiden van voyage I spent Thanksgiving week here. The van had the bed installed and insulation on the walls. I cooked over a Coleman camp stove and kept food cold in an ice chest. Maybe the small Mr Buddy propane heater. I was a rookie on new wheels and in living quarters. I was riding a Turner Flux, a cross country race bike. The van build out has been completed and Turner bike models and attached equipment have changed since them.
All for now.
Enjoy your Thanksgiving day! Thanks for volunteering!