
Just more days of same static beautiful weather: blue skies, calm wind, prefect riding temp, no crowds, and fun.

bar M somewhere

Been riding and staying out at N Klondike. Thursday I hung 6 liners up to dry, a clean liner per ride: 6 days in a row. Rides are short in miles and time but long in body work out. The trails on the west side of Little Valley are the only pedal friendly trails, everything else is blue squares my kind of challenge.

There are one hundred reasons why you rode off the trail but no reason for you to leave your signature line.

On Tuesday I rode the west side trails. I stopped and removed rocks that were “kicked” on to the trails. Today when I rode same trails it seemed that effort was for naught as more rocks lay on the prime line. Rocks above say a softball or large platter size on that line cause some riders to steer around that rock which widens the trail. Ah, the struggle to educate the unwashed.

Agate in the fall
west side May bloom

It is just so pretty out here. Quiet, just spectacular to ride slowly, stop frequently and just sigh for all of the beauty.

Becoming better skilled riding because of the shock for sure and maybe the fork. I am making the step ups. Today I pedaled away from the van on the road and my knees started barking on the front side. Old knowledge recall was pain in front: seat too low. I raised it a bit and the pain went away and my power just jumped up. Almost every morning I do 20 knee bends which has built leg power for muscling up the step ups.

I rode here in April and May this spring when the plants were flowering and water ran. Fall is brown.

Baby Steps area

Weather forecast calls for continual same weather.

Today driving to Klondike at slower than the 65 mph limit a car passed me using the left hand turn lane for the airport crowding me to the shoulder when it pulled back in. I laid on my horn. Shortly a trooper sped by me catching up and pulling that driver over.

Sun Valley Steve is arriving tomorrow for several days of riding. He is riding the new Revel.

I sent my new sheet to ST George to be altered. I read the care instructions for that sheet, almost kid gloves. don’t wash with clothes with zippers as the metal beats on the threads, dry on low which will increase drying time. Will increase my laundromat time to properly care for the sheet. Didn’t think to research care instructions before buying. Selection was made from an on line review of sheets. $70 for a Queen which will be cut to make a top and bottom sheet for my 30″ X 72″ bunk