Still around Hurricane settled into a comfortable, problems solved location, pretty easy living. More of the same: riding, spending the night in my van, living in it, in town goceries, hang at OTE, maybe morning latte at River Rock, a local roaster. You know,: same ol same ol. yes, for some I am living their dream while they are not free to roam, I am living their dream and I writ hoo humm details, excitement has aged like maple syrup barrel aged corn liquor. I did experience a Wow drinking it. The novelty has become reality. This fall somewhere in the Appalachians fall colors I felt a weighty feeling of maybe being back, the to me great feeling I got. The novelty had been overridden by 4 previous visits. I was coming back to connection, Maturity(?)
which is what this visit is like.
Upon deeper thought while writing this I hear a voice of this might be my swan song. Perhaps I am trying to talk myself into settling in La Pine, having my house built. Settling will be a radical change for me. Sometimes I look at La Pine’s weather forecast and conditions, right now not friendly to outdoor activity: Cold. Starting to sound like an old man. I can say that as I am 69, I have been mountain biking the states for 10 years. My knees hurt when standing. However, I believe I am enjoying riding more as my skills have improved. I am focusing on enjoying my rides, kind of like sitting up and looking. Not even close: attention front.
Perhaps a repeat: I switched to a 11X46T cassette. On previous 11X42 my preferred gear was a 32. On the 46 that same setting was a 36 which is an easier gear. When pedaling the current 46T cassette and in that 3rd position I felt that I had more to put out that I was stronger. After learning the easiness factor I have dropped to 4th cog which is the same as the 3 which turns out to be a noticeably harder gear. I have been correcting my foot placement on the catalyst pedals to put the peddle axle to the middle of my arch and pushing down from my hips and pedaling constantly where previously I might stay in the same gear and let it spin out then coast. Now I am upshifting to keep power on the pedals and keeping my foot flat throughout the stroke. Technique to imprint to reflex. Pedaling up the difficulty establishes balance like a track stand. Riding Hurricane Cliffs trails is familiar problem known spots and all the others. I ride the JEM downhill pumping making that the only enhancement to speed. I enjoy. I am slow when pedaling.
So anyway, riding different locations except for last weekend when I rode the same loop 2X.
Last Thurs did my wash. On Friday my fridge was to be fixed at 9 AM in Washington which is way towards ST George. I plotted my day to after clean clothes I drove west on the way to spend the night at red Cliffs natural area. I rode Lakeside at Quail Lake out and back for a short ride. One way is 2.8 miles pedaling for almost 30 mins each way. 558′ climb total on punchy climbs. Challenging rock but easier than Boy Scout trails.
Short drove later I arrived at Red Rocks. Lot of red rock around here. BLM XG, half price senior citizen $7.50. Perhaps 12 camp sites, just a few where occupied. Picked the levelest one which still required leveling blocks. Went for a walk, first to an Anasazi ruins then scrambling rocks going north then following flowing Quail Creek upstream is the fading sunlight.

Friday I made the fridge appointment for a tech to correctly install the hinge pieces that will push the freezer door shut which will eliminate the frost build up which will allow the fridge to run colder. Parts installed. I paid for my ineptness.
Earlier at camp I opened the job box door with the broken hinge, the door fell free stopping briefly on my thigh before hitting the ground. I have an owey and the figuring out how to reattach the door. Getting a weld fix is now more pressing. I chose a weld shop south of ST George. The main guy greeted me. I asked for repair. he told me where to park then he welded a repair, not a permanent fix. I asked out him restoring it questioning if he could do it. He smiled and said he has worked on worse. He ordered the hinge and hopefully fix this Fri.
I then drove to Santa Clara just up the way and rode Barrelroll which is pretty chunky. Still challenged and still walking the major moves. Bought just picked California oranges at roadside stand. Each year I stop for a bag of oranges which are the only ones I eat the entire year.

Last night the door latch failed big time, it seems the cable is not attached to the latch. Can’t open from the inside. I rolled down the passenger window and reached the outside latch and opened the door. New routine to get out. I am now using the driver’s door to exit then go around and open the slider. I discovered that the driver door can not be key locked. I am not able to lock tight my van. This AM I called the repair shop scoring an early morning fix tomorrow.
Friday I stayed in the OTE parking lot hooked to fridge shore power as I defrosted the freezer. Noisy at the bottom of the hill a mix of truck engine brakes and the noisy from accelerating engines climbing.
Sat was a big game day for the Zags against UNC who beat them in the NCAA finals last year. Resigned myself to listening to the broadcast. Earlier on my ride I ran into another rider. Over the course of an interesting conversation he told me of a brew pub just up the road in Colorado City, Edge of the World, and it was in Arizona where sensible alcohol laws exist. About 20 mins from where I stay. Score. I drove to it and caught the first part, the Zags were being schooled. OTE called while there and invited me to the shop’s birthday party. Paid for like $6.50 beer then drove back to Hurricane and joined the party. 11 years old. I was here for their first one when it was just Quentin, Fixie Dave, and myself sitting in the original shop. Zags lost, not close but soundly.
On sat’s ride I still hit small patches of freeze thaw mud. daytime temps have been almost 60 and nights just below freezing. Sunday’s ride still rode over patches. During that ride I gave thought to removing my fender as in the desert no wet shit thrown up. The fender stopped freeze thaw glop from reaching my face. I did cut it off afterwards. Seems counter to local conditions hence branding me as an outsider.
Down blanket is overly warm for now, will be way too much for summer. I opened the shipping bag then laid it out on my bed. It’s queen size to allow for doubling over for more warmth. I check the fit on the bed then attached snaps along one edge to hold it on my bed, not slide or get kicked off. Later I saw the garment tag on a length edge. Needs to be swapped. I am thinking about having it cut down to make 2 blankets which will be easier to regulate temp.
Free fallin, it’s 6PM. Zags play at 7.