Bend Burner

Yesterday I set out on a ride I was apprehensive about as it would be my biggest since hernia repair. Sat night I sipped Tequilla at a party, this time the others were mostly mountain bikers and certainly no tobacco consumption. I successfully passed the deputy parked with lights out on the side of the road. I parked at plan D spot which is the open area just down the hill from main parking lot at Phils. Front end up against the wood chip pile; it was too late to go poking around for a better spot.  No hangover so that was not an issue.

My planned and realized route was starting at Phils climbing Bens to the cut out to cross over Skyliner rd then join a FS road with a bridge across Tumalo Creek. Climb short hill ( granny gear) to where Mrazek crosses. Fun and effort started. Lower part of Mrazek is low angle climb to flat. Still an umph. Made the sketchy 2 track climb which has been a problem because of its loose rock and straight sightline always revealing what is ahead. Grunt and perseverance. The California Tortoiseshell butterflies I encountered here when riding with the SPokane buddies were gone. I did not search for caterpillars. Hump up continued on classic narrow hand built single track thru lodgepole forest. 10.8 miles climbing 2080′, took 1 hr 50 mins of nonstop pedaling. Dropping down Farewell was 3.23 miles dropping 1037′ pedal time of only 21 mins. Not a long time reward for the climb effort. Down Tumalo creek taking only 17 mins to almost coast 2.82 miles. Then a climb up Skyliners of only 348′ in 3.26 miles pulled down my energy stores. Then down on Phils of 7.5 miles needing only 39 mins dropping 1151′. A short coast back to the van which was now in full sun. The dash thermometer read 98 degrees. Ride was 32 miles climbing 3074′ pedaling for 4 hrs 11 mins. Hernia repair was good. Now a struggle exists between my brain commanding the body to deliver which is happier sitting in the shade reading a book. Perhaps at some point a rebellion will happen with the body getting that chair. The garmin computer figured 23 hours for recovery before next effort. No pics as I just kept my hands on the grips and pedaled. I spent 1 hr 17 mins anaerobic which is above 132 beats per min. This AM my heart rate is back in the lower 50s indicating heart recovery.

This ride is typical of bend’s trails: all single track dirt and pedaling. A ride can be as short or as long as I choose to make it.

Today is a rest and hydration day. Tonight I am helping at a COTA trail work project.

Sunnyside Sports here is my go to repair shop. During a recent conversation I was told that the single chain ring with its wide narrow teeth which keep the chain on is the wear point in the drive train. I figured if I replaced my chain say between 300 and 500 mikes I could protect the cassette from wearing. I have 485 miles on present chain, the shop measured elongation, nowhere near needing replacement. I learned that when the chain ring is ready to be replaced a noticeable sound is made when pedaling. I tallied the miles on the chain ring which I installed here last year of 2453 miles. I have a new chain waiting for a new chain ring. Staying with Absolute Black oval 32T chain ring.