Put my foot where it wasn’t supposed to be

Mid morning here out past Phils, not preferred spot, plan C. 2Bar 4G speed. Making today a rest day after 6 in a row,

A mountain biking group of old friends from Spokane “visited”, we rode together on Sunday. Two groups populated by their preferred outcome. One group shuttled to start of Mrazek and the group I was in pedaled up Tumalo creek then climbed N fork up to Happy Valley joining Metolius Windigo to start of Mrazek then down to Shevlin Park. These folks know how to ride and really put their shoulder into it just like me. Wetness of Tumalo creek hosts mosquitoes, the first I have be set upon here in Bend. Once over on Mrazek which faces south absorbing the sun is drier. Tree cover is predominate lodgepole. N Fork trail follows the creek with some clear views of waterfalls. The water is almost blue. No stopping for pics to include here as I posted from previous rides. Just for me beautiful. The Oregon cascades have a pull to me which I have heeded. California tortoiseshell butterflies were in such density that it was wise to not mouth breathe. We speed thru the most dense cloud going down the short piece of closed rd. The intermittent patches of sunlight and shade confuse my sight and comprehension of what my wheels will soon encounter, particularly bothersome when letting gravity propel me. Our group sorted itself on maybe comfort level(?). Paul was first with me sometimes hard on his wheel, then Mars then Kelly. I can’t climb like Kelly but she is less comfortable going downhill, rotation and sharing.

So, about my foot: Just above Shevlin Park the trail goes thru a jumble of bigger rocks where attention to detail is vital to remain unscathed. I was riding Paul’s wheel with no sight line and  intermittent shade blocked from me a rock problem. Paul and I both heard my aluminum pedal body hit the rock, he didn’t feel the shooting pain caused by my right foot smacking said rock. I stayed upright and kept on riding. I tested its pedal strength and function meeting my  it’s me who has to pedal out. Yes, I made my home. I immediately wrapped a frozen medical pack around my ankle. As time passed over the next 2 days I iced and wrapped my ankle which never swelled or really discolored, It sends signals that it is hurting.Only future rides will tell of any damage. The day b4 I completed 2,000 rides, as I played over the hurt in my mind I was so happy that I made the 2,000th ride. 23.3 miles pedaling for 2 hrs 46 mins climbing 1896′ rewarded by 2976′ descent.

Afterwards I drove over to a campground in Sisters to where the Spokane group camped. A bit of sitting around an unlit fire ring visiting. I would not sleep in the XG, my spot would be up the Pederson ridge road that I wanted to be before darkthirty. I drove up the road even after alpine glow. I drove into the first spot that lacked a no camping sign. Turned out I was just a short stumble to fast flowing Squaw creek. Sound of a running toilet was white noise.

Spokane group planned a ride of McKenzie River Trail (MRT) and included me. My van gets me down the road with my eyes and brain wired to attending to the driving. Being a passenger for sight seeing and comfort is very pleasant. I get back in my van and go back to just doing it. I do have new tires and 2 camper batteries. They planned the shuttle.

Paul, Mars, Kelly, Tom, and I had ridden the trail several times. Again, we previously ogled the sights, today was about the ride. Nasty basalt patches just above the blue pool continuing down river. This is where the hiker traffic is heavy. Trail is narrow some places below grade some places over top of chunder. Mix in short sight lines and many hikers. All pleasant encounters and sharing. Trail finally drops below the basalt bands. Trail runs between the highway and which ever side of the river and how close to it. Traffic noise to me cancels out the wildness. 23. miles pedaling 3 hrs 8 mins climbing 925′ and dropping 2520′. Once clear of the hikers we just rode stopping just once for a short snack. We just pedaled.

Back at their camp people were scattered in their groups. I bailed and drove back to Bend. They planned on riding over here the next day. Visiting my “home”.

Group dynamics for route selection. Seemed that 1 rider was dominant in route selection. No local knowledge was asked for. Right off started the most technical trail of the system which included numerous hike a bike sections. The caterpillar population is played out, they seemed to be elevation sensitive, once at that height hardly a one was squashed. Group fragmented into this is the rdie I want to do, return to TH when sufficiently satiated. I rode Funner up to Wanoga TH taking Tiddlywinks to Kiowa butte junction. Paul and another guy, non Spokperson but connected, went down Tiddlywinks. I continued over to descent Tylers traverse down to Larsen then caught lower Tiddlywinks to intersect Storm King which took me to mid section of Catch and Release and the pedal back to the van. I made my biggest day to date of 28.5 miles pedaling for 3hrs 47mins climbing 2732′. I kept my heart rate below threshhold the entire ride. I am paying attention to gear selection and energy expenditure: if I don’t sprint I last a lot longer.

All noses were accounted for. The group was post ride recovering in the shade of my van. water was available here, I filled up my tree sprayer and rinsed most of the green mud from my bike. A COTA board member rode up for a visit. The others by now had left for 10 Barrel. I arrived much later after they were seated and eating which as I planned. I walked to the bar and made eye contact with the bartenders. In a short while my beer was pushed across the bar. I turned to leave right beside a table occupied by a single woman. She quickly invited me to share her table. She is newness. 8th grade English teacher back in TN. She speaks with her local accent and choice of words. She is on a solo 3 week road trip thru several western sates in a rental RV. Get and go girl. Pleasant visit. Spok buds stopped to say goodbye.

What I have accepted, after the Spok folks visit, is just because I was  tight back when I am no longer connected with them now. I am better able to pick up connections with people I have made during my travels. Meeting new people means there is no history between. Starting afresh. Which is why I chose the single and pretty young woman who invited me to share her table.

Ankle seems fine. My shoulder is speaking up. These 3 days of hard and sometimes technical riding has put the hurt on it. Typing ain’t good for it either.

My bike is overly burly for Bend’s trails for the most part. However, when it gets good I get a big smile. Upper Tylers uses FS created terraces creating lots of jumps, some I even allow a little air to come between my tires and the ground. Very dusty behind me, my vision was clear. Literal smoke.  South Fork and my bike play well together. Length of travel coupled with stiffness is the Turner RFX character. Big wide tires hook up.

I’m gone.