
Rain fell as gravity commanded each drop. Where that drop landed was per nature and physics. Wed night when I crawled into bed I learned that the head of my bed was wet. Those drops that would have rolled off the van roof a quantity found their way onto my bed. Thus began recovery and sussing out the point (s) of entry. For the night I laid out an ensolite pad over the bed then used my 20 degree down bag. Ran the furnace at low comfort level. Woke later in sweat as the bag was too warm, I orientated the wet down blanket for dry to be over me then fell to sleep. Yesterday was laundry day. I washed the mattress pad and dried the blanket in a dryer. I borrowed a ladder from the laundromat then climbed up to survey the roof. Previously noted the suspected seals were well protected by structure. A guess is a gap in the spot weld roof panels is the source. Dunno. I bought a sealant but need to connect to another step ladder. Forecast calls for clear (no rain) so I can put off sealing. Today I put the bed back together, tonight I will learn if I air dried the memory foam pad long enough.

Last night was s bash at the hilton celebrating their multi million dollar renovation to focus on activity. Free hor d’ ourves and beer. Lots of wealthy people rubbed elbows with locals who cannot afford the nightly room rental. Connected with several locals not yet encountered.

Zags played last night. They won and SMC was beaten by USF dropping them to second place. Go Zags. Game was on espn3 and XM did not broadcast. Slept at the overlook with slow internet reception following the game.

Today as expected hero dirt. I connected again with Sandy for a ride from the bean.


Our ride took us down HT, down the armored stair steps. She ratcheted up her self confidence and rolled the stairs. What joy to share the experience of another rider over coming fear to successfully masterĀ  something that scared them. She was almost white from fear and her body shook from success. Further along she rode another sketchy piece for the first time.

The FS trail crew is doing a nice job armoring erosive spots. This one is on HT.

Nice job, pitched rocks for traction, plates for armor.

Up then back down

Following Elizabeth

We finished our ride riding down Slim. Only a few wet spots. Rain”glued” the sand grains together. No dust.

Sandy is a stronger climber and I am a faster descender. We swap leads depending upon the pitch.

Authoring this behind the sheriff’s office where internet is fast. Stopping for groceries at webers than out to Beaverhead and no cows, just excrement left behind.