Must be strong indica

I came upon some homegrown that produces an almost negligible head buzz but packs a strong indica stay on the couch buzz. Sat was a recovery ride out N Klondike area. The rocks were all doable and pedaling easily was OK. Pretty quiet out there.

Klondike area

System can make your choice of a loop how eve long or tough. Every intersection has a map with a smiley face for your location. How much work do you want to expend? The uphills have lots of step ups but if ridden the other way they are drops or rolls. Mostly deserted. Spent Sunday night same spot.

Monday was resupply run into town. Town traffic is lessened. Water, groceries, propane, shower, bike fix then back out to Horse Thief and my preferred vista spot. While getting dressed in the locker room a familiar voice called me by name. It came from Rick of Spokane. I prefer to park facing sunrise that happens at 6:59AM. Today I woke up to the sun’s blaze in my eyes.


I crawled back under the covers for postponing getting up.

Today I drove out to the Chisholm TH just b4 the highway which eliminated riding the dirt road. I planned on riding Great Escape which is past Arth’s Corner, my previous return point. Again, a vape bowl of good feeling but lack of umph started my ride. Easy effort. My left knee started barking caused by the time I tried to pedal real hard with my seat way low,feed back was a stuffed knee. I turned back at Arth’s. Still my ride was 18 miles for 2 1/2 hours of pedaling. Trails here climb less than 100′ / ,mile. Ran into 10 riders. Last one greeted me as we rode sort of together back at Victor, ID.

Land out here is BLM. Public funds paid for 3 cattle guards across the state highway. Land is open range land which means the cows have the right away and if you hit one you are liable to pay the rancher. This is desert. No idea what fills cows methane belching bellies but their hooves beat up the trails. A few people make (?) money off public land that their cows destroy. We all pay for the destruction. One cattle guard on the trail did not deter cows from crossing.

walk across

I have been wearing 510 Freerider Pro shoes for less than a year. Recently I noticed my feet not sticking to the Catalyst pedals. I asked about warranty info at the bike shop. Guy said they should last more than a year and gave me a new pair. Today riding the new shoes I rediscovered what it is like to be stuck to the pedals again.

Yielding to the climbing rider still seems to be foreign to some riders. I usually stop while going uphill keeping my tread in the tread to yield to descending rider who doesn’t seem to understand that they are the ones to be yielding. And again, in spite of graphics depicting how to yield posted at major intersections the lesson doesn’t register.

Going to create a dinner edible then listen to the Zags on XM.

No precip in forecast. Going to bus tables at WabaSabi Thanksgiving dinner.