Moab blustery

Facing into strong enough winds to wiggle my hand held phone. Out at north klondike up on the rocks for internet and wind chill agfect as it is sunny and in the 80s.

Forecast called for gusts to 50 from SW which created a quartering wind as i drove from Dolores this AM. Decided yesterday if forecadt held today would be a rest day because i mouth breathe the dirt and wind would play havoc with temaining on top of the rubber.

Lots of campers abound, never seen so many. Lots of rigs carrying mtn bikes. Lots of people.

Temps are forecast in 70s next week.

Plan for rock scramble was 1 hour which is almost up and i still have rocks to scramble down. I’m shirtless working on a starter sun tan.

Last night i stayed at dolores river xg right on spring run off surging river. Ate dinner at brewery.

Back up adventures.

Sunday update.

I’m out at N end of Klondike trails inside my van getting 4g 2 bars, enough to run the laptop.

Thurs AM I bid adieu to John and Martha and their driveway. laundry day. Clean dry clothes folded and put away and the line dry clothes hung with care. Dolores was the next stop. Bob, friend of John, told about a new trail piece at Boggy Draw.Jimmy from the Bean spoke of Dolores camping on the river and drinking beer at the local brewery. Rain fell in Durango and prolly Cortex and Phils world which rides on patches of clay, hence perhaps too wet to ride. Worked OK as a mtn bike race used the trails on Sat. Boggy draw above Dolores is forested and would be drier. I drove out to Boggy Draw TH which had standing water in places. I walked a short piece of trail experiencing patches of wet and mud. I decided to give the trails one more day. I walked the road to find a sleep spot not occupied then walked back to the van and drove quickly to settle into that spot. A large patch of irregularly weathered bedrock lay exposed to my Bedrock sandal clad feet to link all rock for a walk.

Friday I geared up to ride. The new trail was not on either Trailforks or MTBProject which created uncertainty. If I was to ride the loop I would have parked down in town then pedaled up the hill and out to Boggy Draw then finish back in town. I chose to ride Little Bean canyon from which at its furthermost place that new trail was to take off.

Little Bean upper

Trail was mostly in the trees. cattle graze damage. catch the dandelions prolly carried by cows.

dandelion meadow

Oak shows no new growth. My breathing was not happy severely limiting my hill climbing.

I did find the new FS sign read Dolores 9 miles. Not happening.

New plan was to drive down to town and research a paid campground on the river with a shower. I checked the visitors welcome center. The hostess shared info. I drove east of town to Dolores River XG right on the river, a shower, and $28 fee. I picked my spot. Right on the river which flowed white water. I drove back to town to the local brewery choosing a bar seat. Small place. A bit of socializing for me. 2 beers and salad later I drove back to the XG. The sound of the river seduced my sleep.

Turn to Moab blog entry