report: Hunker down

Yesterday’s forecast was for some kind of solid precip to fall. The ground is too wet to hike out here at Deer Pass area as the dirt, when wet, sticks to whatever is on your feet. I did walk down to Oak Creek on the road which had some of its own slime. After dinner clean up I heard the hiss of yes, snow, landing on the sheet metal. At bedtime i stepped outside viewing a star filled sky. Temp did drop converting liquid to solid.

Today was the 2 week follow up for the gum graft down in Cottonwood. I drove down early seeking a time consumption event by walking Main ST in Old Cottonwood visiting for a coffee and banana bread. My mouth is on its way to successful healing. The 4 stitches were removed and built up plaque on the protected teeth. 2 weeks of a soft brush then back to sonicare. Still chew on other side.

Forecast is for below freezing at night until Sunday when uppers and lowers warm up. Maybe next Monday will be hero dirt.

Tomorrow is laundry then down to PJs for Zags game then prolly the overlook pavement.

Working my way thru Jitterbug Perfume by Tom Robbins for the 2nd time. His take on religious history matches Dan Brown’s Da Vinci Code and Angles and Demons. Pagans revered the woman, the christian church was afraid of women as they were earthly and not part of the construct of the something masculine in the ether space. trump and buddies supported denying female reproductive rights. Men still afraid of their Mother.

Presently 40 degrees under broken clouds at 3:30, snow here has been returned to the air transport environment.