last night i parked in the out of the way back of red agave resort where i park during the week. last 2 weekends weddings booked resort over filling the scant parking. there is shade till mid morning. i stay there in my van till towards 10pm then walk back to my bed. i didn’t sleep well or much last night because of the pain. another man shares the bathroom w./ me. this morn i hoped he would be out of the house by the time the bowel let loose. he had left or at least did not pound on the door.
i have a sore throat and what feels to me a fever. my normal temp is in low 97’s last night it was 98.6. temp is back into the 97s.
monday, today is a work day, few tourists, and the forecast called for thundershowers which shared their bounty w/ us several times. no traffic past my sign.
i set my chair out in the sun in front of my van then stuck my nose in krakauer. my sun is blocked out by logan from pedaling to nowhere. link: he wrote his story about me and i linked it to a page titled something like “what others have written about me’. he and wife, Virginia, are traveling in their home conversion sprinter. they spent time here earlier this year. inside their sprinter on a wall they hung like a blackboard where they have recorded their travels visually. their trip is right out front which is cool. mine is hidden in a road atlas. nobody has ever asked for my travels. their board captures what they have accomplished. we sat beside their van enjoying each other’s company, free from the one line cut downs coming from the shop staff. kindred spirits. suggest you connect to his article then get into his site.
i walked over to the shop after leaving L and V. local rider, lars, is spread out on the couch looking like the weather got the better of him. he said he crashed pretty hard and was really hurting. he won’t be riding for awhile. the population of injured front porch dwellers has grown to 3 w/ lars. then there is duane w/ his left arm in a sling, and me.
temp dropped this afternoon after the t storms.
last fri i dropped the physical therapy protocol to the pt. i had many questions to understand the treatment. i called the surgeon’s office today asking for clarification and stronger pain med. i called pt wanting to have a consult b4 i start pt. that thought crossed their mind but just inside their office. i have a consult tomorrow. the surgeon’s office returned my call telling me that they work closely w/ lebec pt, where i will be treated. the protocol gives the pt directions. i was told they share notes about patients. coordinated care is what i would like, may this be true.