workin it

sat was a quiet day. i hung near the bean. i’m reading krakauer’s new book, “missoula, rape and justice system in a college town.” i sat outside moving to stay in the comforting shade of several trees. out in the vacant lot there are dirt  mounds created by burrowing mammals.  dirt moved right at 1 of the dirt mounds. i grabbed the small olympus then stalked the hole. animal stuck its head out several times while i was filming it. nature boy said gopher. i have  moving images.

hot and dry.  i did walk a big block here from the shop. pjs for dinner and innings of the mariners game. and a beer.

the follow on hydrcodone is considerably weaker that the percocet. i am not sleeping, need stronger pain blockers. office doesn’t open until mon am. i might have to drive to flag for the meds.

jan made my sign last  night. last night i thought of various ways to set up my beggar booth. biggest audience will be late afternoon as renters return rentals.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAtoday a full sized tour bus open its door in the bell rock plaza disgorging lots of maybe 9th graders, who were renting bikes from b n b. my station was manned, guy said that he had 50 cents. he asked what my scariest ride has been. i told him about the calif rock slides.

they all left then the adults started playing. i asked 2 locals to  model. 2 guys. a young woman was inside. i approached he and explained what i wanted. she came along w understanding she could move on. she said she could work it. i’m in. i have my brochure  image; that’s zack inside the shop.



OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAfri pm is shop ride that attracts almost all locals for a social ride.

here are several characters:





this weekend there was a woman’s  skill clinic.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAa name is only forgotten.

i have deduced the situation that freezes the ignition key: when i park nose high. nose down allows the key to turn.

coming down w/ something: fever of 99.5, my normal is in the 97s. seems like a cold.

house owner has a few more people, enough for 3 cars out front. she let them park in front of house while i walk15 mins each way.

kevin from bend dropped by sat and today for conversation. he is riding a fat bike and really digs it.