Last night in Max’s side yard sleep spot the furnace ran because I didn’t shut it off when it started earlier in the day. Chilly here in Fruita. So great to return to a warm house you will agree. However, the outside temp dropped below a threshold that the heat loss exceeded the heat input. I ran the catalytic heater enjoying the heat and only hearing house doors slam not the white noise of the blower.
Today I drove to Macs Daddy repair shop eastern GJ for my 9:00 appointment to suss out the noise. Mech drove while I occupied the space between the seats calling out the noise. Back at the shop I waited expectantly for the fix. I am more concerned about time being held against my will. Mechanic sought me out in the deserted except me clean waiting room that had way more women type mags than guys cars and hunting. Told me it isĀ the drive shaft. It’s toast and how it has held up is somebody else’s guess. Part will be drop shipped to them perhaps as early as tomorrow. When it enters their door they will call me and I will sanely drive to the shop. Should really figure on Wed install.
I was noticing that my battery volts were dropping faster than I remember. I found the Interstate warehouse in GJ and asked for a battery check. Learned battery was defective and would be covered under warranty. It was fixable.
I drove back to Fruita. I foundĀ an attractive bottle of moonshine in a liquor store that separated money from me. Tasty. Drinking single malt Scotch from the appropriate glass has a sense of elegance. Moonshine is pour glugs into my beer glass and sort of swallow.
The furnace continues to disappoint. First was my lack of diligence in not matching heat output w/ heat loss. I can live w/ that. The big problem is the plugging the smaller than American appliances orifice from the junk left in the propane, Americans use bigger holes. Haven’t found an in line propane fuel filter that would catch the gunk b4 the regulator. I wonder about the filter. The RV shop here in GJ that serviced it won’t let it back in their shop. They just air blew the piping. The shop in Moab used a solvent that GJ said might cause a chemical reaction w/ propane. Propane tank has to be removed to be purged. 21 degrees last night. I use the furnace when it starts till bed time then turn it off and ignite the catalytic for warmth. I will let the Moab guy clean again, maybe something else is blocking.
I don’t want to be on a bike ride when the drive shaft arrives and I do want to limit my driving. Weather is improving.
Check out for a way to insulate your van with little added weight.
Happy Thanksgiving! I really enjoy reading about your adventures. Keep it up!