66 Degrees today during ride.

Today I had a 2:00 appointment for furnace service that I was working around. Plus Wait Wait don’t Tell me is on @ 9AM and I need an outhouse. I enjoyed bed warmth and let the sun  shine in b4 getting up. Going to ride later which meant starting wearing it. 50 degrees inside, 19 out and I’m in my pajama bottom. Wool long underwear top nd a sweater then bfast. Cleaned up and stowed for travel then drove down to Bar M TH and an outhouse made by other than CXT from Spokane. Wait Wait was all previous material.

Just a few rigs in the lot. The day warmed up during my ride as seen in other riders in shorts and short sleeves. Encountered 4 riders, 3 guys and a woman on Deadman which is only a blue tech difficulty but still requiring skill to negotiate. The woman, she was a hottie dressed like a hottie. Very chesty wearing like a halter top, and killer hot pink tights. She did have a helmet to go along w/ her like running shoes.  She was under dressed. Wonder what that was all about. B$ meeting them I mislocated myself on a trail map and rode again a piece of Deadman. My rides are getting shorter and this extra bit was draining the tank. Deadman is really chunky that goes in and out of steep walled washes and around ridges. Up and down then repeat. Way more dancing on the bike over the ground. Tight blind corners up or over slabs of bedrock. Momentum is key. Great traction that allows me to standup and ride pitches that last time I walked. Lots of riders and rigs in the lot upon my return. Kids on small bikes. 13.89 miles climbing 1629 in 2 hours. The climbing is the cumulative amount.

Back at the lot a man and I assumed his son were near by. Guy came over and reintroduced himself that we had met @ Curt Gowdy in WY like 2 years b4. Memory is a horrible thing to loose.

Drove into town for the furnace service arriving jsut b4 2PM. Note on door says Mac went to lunch and will be back in 40 mins. I keep my appointments and I expect others to keep theirs. I turned around and drove back into town to the Aquatic center for a shower then stopping for propane and made his 2:40 return. I walk in. Guy looks at me. I didn’t register. Oh, the propane. Seems that there was some job shuffling and he did not want to work on it. I was able to reschedule it for Mon AM, done by then original guy who gave it to the Sat guy. Volley score. Said that the material in the valve was from the plastic liner in the propane tank breaking down. Propane attacks metal hence the liner. Doesn’t compute as the frige, stove, stove and catalytic work fine.

B4 the 2 appointment I stopped @ craft coffee roaster for a refill. A woman pulled in beside my van riding a dual sport BMW. She was shaking out her silver w/ strawberry highlights. Attractive. I asked what question she would like to have asked but hasn’t. I was thinking woman on bike must get same questions. The question was what position does she like best. She described a full laid out position on her bike. She was thinking how she likes sex. And I had an appointment in 8 mins, commitments you know. I will never know.

I have turned the heat up on the vaporizer such that the herb left over is cooked devoid of thc that I throw away. Tonight I made butter w/ the previous saved stuff. Van has different base smell.

My headache started when I fell and hit the headachee side of my head back in Sept well b4 the heating season. I have a CO and propane detector installed.

Tomorrow I plan on Hymasa and Captain Ahab as being Sunday there will be other riders.

Back out on crowded Willow Springs, mostly engine types. They leave tomorrow.

No pics. Same stuff.