Hey, it didn’t rain



invited me to a Panthertown ride

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAout here. Up in the Highlands off route 64. Earned our turns slithering in few patches of mudĀ  but sticky grip to the wet rocks. And roots. Just a loop w/ several waterfall views

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA10.18 miles climbing 1788′.

See roots

rootsJust a loop. drive was on classic NC Blue Ridge winding now shoulder roads.

Back @ the Hub which also Pisgah Tavern where on the other side of the counter the wrenches fix bikes while on the other side the customers sip / pound beers.

I have been staying out @ the Bike Farm that Cashion and his wife are putting together, check bikefarmpisgah.com for info. No internet access but XM comes in.

Off to buy groceries then head out.