
7 weeks and 3 days post surgery. A week and 1 day of physical therapy. A week and a day of exercise. And I can not find a comfortable position to sleep. I do home exercises 2X day per Brian’s program, every day more range of motion develops. I can use my arm but the heaviest I can lift is a coffee cup. I didn’t ask how much could be in the cup. I am still in unhappy level of pain. Every stage of my shoulder issue has produced different pain, the former is overlaid with the later. This recovery pain is different and all consuming. I have added pain med to my self medication b4 bed then I toss and turn. At least i am not spending unquality time watching  the digital alarm clock.

Yesterday was a rainy day. Just about all the turned leaves have fallen. Overcast skies, getting into a dreary mode. Tamarack are still holding their color contrasting w/ the deep conifer green. My topsider shoes allowed h20 to enter thru the stitches that hold the sole on. I will switch to my LL Bean shoe packs during the next rain.

I have been increasing my length of time and intensity level on the exercise bike, yesterday it was 65 mins and a drenched shirt afterwards. I am beating back my weight gain. I’ll record it here: per the scale @ the gym I weighed 162 pounds. For me so amazing how quickly I gained about 10 pounds. I need some 1500 cal burn rides. Per the bike data the max cal burned has been 723 yesterday after 65 mins. The seat on the bike hits me in the wrong sit points. My butt  will be sore when i sit back on my real bike. I keep after it.

Yesterday I  bought my yearly tabs for my van which tomorrow will be 7 years old and 139,000 miles.

This morning during my flossing I dislodged a crown. Back to the dentist on Mon to repair the damage.

Bruce Springsteen’s Glory Days playing. I keep after it so I do not sing that song. I have memories of my past youthful exploits and a few boring stories, but visions of still doing it. I am not ready to sit down and live only in my past.

Today is exercise,laundry, then dinner @ The Elk. Such is routine.


about bfast time in the van snow started falling. By lunch there was too much snow on the ground for me to drive one handed. The forecast calls for temp high enough to melt. Big wet flakes.

Yesterday was another PT session. The therapist is pleased w/ my progress as seen by increasing range of motion and the quality of that motion as he sees smoothness. he gave me additional exercises. I meet again next week. What’s cool is i am back in the house which has room for the exercises. I am for the most part sleeping better. There is pain but it is different than the surgery pain. Sometimes I am able to make the right hand participate in typing. I asked the therapist to research this injury and repair to my previous repair on my left shoulder which was also a torn supraspin… where I was just told to go play after a short recovery time. I am following instructions but am challenging the lengthy healing time. He told me that I can use my arm but the heaviest I should lift is a coffee cup. That’s fine, I am unable to raise it to my lips, however.

Yesterday I made my sore butt sit for 60 mins on the exercise bike. Today looks like a rest day because of the slippery roads and not wanting to get soaked walking the roads.

Soon I will challenge my right arm to join in  and help fix a meal in the van, maybe start w/ oatmeal.

Yesterday I turned in my Pisgah Works green merino jersey into the dry cleaners. I miss the warmth is bestowed. I might try pulling a sweater over my head.

hiking in riverside

last night i slept in the neighbors driveway, the second night of sleeping on the floor in a wiggy’s backpacking mummy sleeping bag on a therm-o-rest. i find it difficult to lower myself to the floor and crawl into the bag using 1 arm. the first night i was in so much pain i took prescription meds. last night i didn’t hurt so badly although  getting down was still difficult. the house is open for me again tonight: back in a bed. i asked to live there this month to which permission was granted.

i have been riding an exercise bike @ gym. the saddle is not my kind of skinny. my sit bones don’t match the padding distribution. today my bottom hurt sitting on the saddle.

this AM i buttered my toast w/ fun butter. plan was to ride the bike, shower, then watch football. the butter started kicking b4 the gym elevating my heart rate. i changed into riding shorts and shoes and climbed on. in a short while after no warm up my pulse went anaerobic and stayed up regardless of lack of effort. i figured the rate would remain high. not a good thing when pushing a workout. i decided to hike @ riverside sp. i needed to buy the yearly pass as i intend to hike there. took some driving to the 2nd store selling them. today i hiked out @ 9 mile, hiked for 1 3/4 hours. i carried a ski pole for balance. nice hike on trails i ride. i learned that i could tie my low cut hikers to wear instead of the topsider slip ons.

this AM a wet snow fell. nothing stuck.

tomorrow is another pt day.

wed is another bike club meeting.

last night i read a sedona thread on mtb forums. ah, keeping up w/ he said, you said clash between SMBC and IMBA SW rep. 5 pages, i made 2 then left the site.