7 weeks and 3 days post surgery. A week and 1 day of physical therapy. A week and a day of exercise. And I can not find a comfortable position to sleep. I do home exercises 2X day per Brian’s program, every day more range of motion develops. I can use my arm but the heaviest I can lift is a coffee cup. I didn’t ask how much could be in the cup. I am still in unhappy level of pain. Every stage of my shoulder issue has produced different pain, the former is overlaid with the later. This recovery pain is different and all consuming. I have added pain med to my self medication b4 bed then I toss and turn. At least i am not spending unquality time watching the digital alarm clock.
Yesterday was a rainy day. Just about all the turned leaves have fallen. Overcast skies, getting into a dreary mode. Tamarack are still holding their color contrasting w/ the deep conifer green. My topsider shoes allowed h20 to enter thru the stitches that hold the sole on. I will switch to my LL Bean shoe packs during the next rain.
I have been increasing my length of time and intensity level on the exercise bike, yesterday it was 65 mins and a drenched shirt afterwards. I am beating back my weight gain. I’ll record it here: per the scale @ the gym I weighed 162 pounds. For me so amazing how quickly I gained about 10 pounds. I need some 1500 cal burn rides. Per the bike data the max cal burned has been 723 yesterday after 65 mins. The seat on the bike hits me in the wrong sit points. My butt will be sore when i sit back on my real bike. I keep after it.
Yesterday I bought my yearly tabs for my van which tomorrow will be 7 years old and 139,000 miles.
This morning during my flossing I dislodged a crown. Back to the dentist on Mon to repair the damage.
Bruce Springsteen’s Glory Days playing. I keep after it so I do not sing that song. I have memories of my past youthful exploits and a few boring stories, but visions of still doing it. I am not ready to sit down and live only in my past.
Today is exercise,laundry, then dinner @ The Elk. Such is routine.