about bfast time in the van snow started falling. By lunch there was too much snow on the ground for me to drive one handed. The forecast calls for temp high enough to melt. Big wet flakes.
Yesterday was another PT session. The therapist is pleased w/ my progress as seen by increasing range of motion and the quality of that motion as he sees smoothness. he gave me additional exercises. I meet again next week. What’s cool is i am back in the house which has room for the exercises. I am for the most part sleeping better. There is pain but it is different than the surgery pain. Sometimes I am able to make the right hand participate in typing. I asked the therapist to research this injury and repair to my previous repair on my left shoulder which was also a torn supraspin… where I was just told to go play after a short recovery time. I am following instructions but am challenging the lengthy healing time. He told me that I can use my arm but the heaviest I should lift is a coffee cup. That’s fine, I am unable to raise it to my lips, however.
Yesterday I made my sore butt sit for 60 mins on the exercise bike. Today looks like a rest day because of the slippery roads and not wanting to get soaked walking the roads.
Soon I will challenge my right arm to join inĀ and help fix a meal in the van, maybe start w/ oatmeal.
Yesterday I turned in my Pisgah Works green merino jersey into the dry cleaners. I miss the warmth is bestowed. I might try pulling a sweater over my head.