Sunday morning was my last ride on the sick fork out @ Croy Cvn trails under the 90 degree shadeless skies. Got a last one in. I saw prolly an 8 point mule deer on the Lambs Gulch trail. He never sprung very far away as he and I moved down gulch. Croy offered the least bumpy ride. I was happy w/ my breathing and its failing as I am no longer gasping for air, it seems that my lack of breath is an age thing. I will be 64 in September.
Steve invited me to dinner Sunday eve. I pulled the fork off thus crippling my bike. This time I didn’t have a borrowed fork to use like Scott gave to me in Sedona. I decided not to seek a loaner bike….. so far.
My front brake, a Formula T1, has been an issue to me. Perhaps the bleeding process has some tricks that some shops don’t know. Jeff, from Formula, offered help. Today I UPSd it to him for bleeding. My understanding of events is the fork arrives Tues @ latest and the brake will arrive the same day which will allow me a ride in the afternoon. Now I just need to change the air in my tires.
Yesterday AM my frige was serviced. The tech solvent cleaned the orifice that resulted in a stronger burn meaning more cooling efficiency. Strange but heat is required to make the cooling work. 92 degrees yesterday and the frige held @ 40 degrees.
Smoke from forest fires have drifted into the valley. Last night’s full moon was red. Fires are on the Stanley side of Galena summit. Only in the 80s so far today here in Hailey.
I have been thinking about an overnight backpack trip while my bike is down. Fires and smoke now play into the location selection. Last night I researched trails on a USDA web site. The site was junk in that links to trails was broken, no data was linked. I tried different ways and even a different browser w/ same results. Conspiracy theories about sequestration shenanigans.
yesterday I had a follow up DR appointment. My dry cough still exists. DR said my lings are fine as seen on the Xrays. I did get a referral to an othro DR here in the valley for my shoulder.
Steve turned me on to the TV series, Justified. I viewed the 9 episodes from the first year. Tonight I pick up the start of the second season.
Sooooo, anyway, I will not be riding my bike till next Tues so no new bike tales. I will be just hanging and getting into what ever I can get into. Today I am back to Ketchum for a few days.
IMBA kicked Sedona Mountain Bike club out of the chapter program. This club was formed to represent mtn bikers. There are divergent views about advocacy. The club has not shared anything about this disfranchisement. I have no knowledge of even the front door of the back story. I am a club member just because I don’t live there does not exclude me from club positions.
Last night at dusk 6 velvet antlered mule deer were grazing in the hay field just across the dirt road. One was perhaps the same buck I saw on Sunday.
I hope you don’t feel lost without your identity. Doc from NW Orthopaedics put my collarbone back together and I’m already getting relief. All is good.
Craig, Thanks for the DuPont Map today. That was very generous of you. Your travels and passion are an inspiration to me. I’m sure I’ll see you in the Perch soon. Thanks – Sam