Fat Rendering

Sunday I met Les & Gloria for dinner in downtown, 102 degrees. Left at dusk and drove out towards Bennett Pass gaining elevation and slightly cooler temps. Slept in Little John snow park under just the flannel sheet. Hot night.

Yesterday I make long drive to Sun Valley in the blistering heat. The van’s air conditioning doesn’t cool because I choose not to use it. I live in the hot out side, to be in air condition chill gives a false impression of what stepping outside will be like. I prefer to be heated all the time as I know it won’t get any worse. Driving I-84 my van thermometer read 107 degrees. I sweated to dehydration just driving.

I drove south to Madras and picked up hwy 26 all the way to ID border on I-84. Outside of town I spied someone walking ; getting closer, pushing a touring bike, thumb out, and a man. I pulled over and offered him a ride. Guy does these multiday spartan trips. Today the heat hit him. We rode together for hours b4 dropping him off just south of Hailey. Much of our lives and views aligned making like speaking to the choir. E of Mountain Home a thunderstorm lit up the mountains north of me. Great light flashes. A little hard rain fell. I dropped Thomas off @ the rest area. He planned on sleeping on the grass using just a space blanket. I continued towards SV. I stopped @ PowerHouse in Hailey for last call of a chilled beer. I drove out to camp. I put the screen netting over the driver’s door and the slider to allow air flow that I hoped would drop. It was 69 when I awoke @ 6:30.

This Am I drove into Hailey to Sun Summit South, Chip’s shop. Yeee ha! I’m back.

Ketchum is throwing a mountain bike festival week. And…. and….. and free shuttle rides. I drove up to Elephant’s Perch in Ketchum to say hello and connect. Hi to Kyle, Jason who helped me w/ my fork lowers last fall. Have permission to sleep in their parking lot. So I will ride shuttle rides the next 3 days. I pedaled one of the rides before so I did earn my turns.

There are Spokane friends in the valley visiting.

96 degrees driving to Ketchum this noon. Just too hot to ride. Temp is forcasted to lessen. 20% chance of thunderstorms daily. need the water to wet the dusty trails. Too much rain turns the trails into gumbo. Fine line.