1000th ride ridden

I made it. yesterday the goal setting ride was scheduled for 1:00 from Bike and Bean. Friends Danny, Dave, and Joey joined me on the last H ride, Hiline. Dangerous Dave fell into our ride. On successive days I rode each H: Hogs, Hangover, and Hiline. Another rider rode up while we were on the pedestal to take a group pic:

Dave, me, danny, joey
Dave, me, danny, joey

Pic of Dave, aka Beernuts rolling start of Baldwin roll in:


I rode into the parking lot behind Dave and Joey. Dave had a roll of yellow plastic tape used to close off construction access which was stretched across my finish track. I caught it at neck height. Safely someone let go of a tape end to prevent being clothes lined.

So it is done: 1000 rides in like 1,700 days. In March I rode 14 out of 17 days just to get this goal in the can. I am celebrating today w/ a rest day. But I took out the 4 road rides and the 3 weeks riding the wind trainer while recovering from the broken collar bone from the ride total but not the number of days.

Yesterday afternoon was Rick’s 67th birthday party @ his house. I made my Waldorf knock off salad while parked in his drive way.

Afterwards I drove out to sleep @ Beaverhead. Around 2:30 AM I was awakened to sounds almost underneath my head. WTF? Someone trying to break in? That thought left quickly being replaced by acceptance that a pack rat had found an entry and was chewing on the newspaper I placed between the bed pedestal and the van body. I punched the body several times hoping the noise would send the critter back to the wilds. Not so. I got out of bed and hoisted the bed upright then stepped outside to find a stick that I could poke down into the paper to drive it away. The rat headed my pokes and vacated my home. There must be an engineered opening I need to find and plug w/ steel wool.

My shoulder is almost pain free. However when I move it in some directions I hear and feel grating sounds, crepitis, worn parts perhaps. I am able to do the one exercise that caused pain. May no repair surgery be required.

Thanks to every one who has helped me.