On the lam

Monday AM I drug out my effort to leave Deer Pass camp and it cost me. A rap on the side of the van announced the presence of FS resource officer. We met either last year or before. We played cat and mouse w/ questions and answers. He asked how long I have been here. He didn’t ask where I had camped in the time. I have been in Sedona area for more than 14 days. Forest supervisor decreed that a person may not camp more than 14 days in 28 days in the entire forest. Alternative camping spots are required.

I drove down to BnB and hung until the 5:30 trail meeting.

The trail meeting was @ Ranger station. Joe from Flag and I greeted each other in the parking lot. Maybe 40 attendees most of whom I have met. Lars lead the meeting presenting the mtn bike side of the trail issue, mostly for a cooperative effort to stem the illegal trail construction and work to mitigate poor trail construction where required but not to close the entire trail. The FS has known about mtn bikes and trails for 15 years but have not created a travel management plan or built any trails. the mtn bikers filled the need by constructing or riding in trails to meet the riding public. Jennifer, the recreation director, presented FS data on trails and why a closure must occur to allow the FS to assess existing social trails for adoption or closure. Heather, the Ranger , said that a closure proposal is in the works. Closure would last for a year which would prohibit bikes from riding on non system trails. This is also an attempt to stop / catch the illegal trail builders. The efforts of a few punish thousands. What she does w/ the bikers’ ideas and comments remains to be seen.

After the meeting I spoke w/ Mike, the LEO, about my camping. I am not sure about camping on the forest. Mike said that as he patrols the camp spots he records plates for a data line.

Last night I camped outside BnB. 20 degrees this AM.

Today I am meeting Rebecca at 1:00 at the Cultural park. Thought was to ride Hiline from sedona side of Oak Creek which needed to be crossed. There is a failed development that built a bridge over the creek that would keep our feet dry but add miles to the ride and cross private signed property. The other choice is Pink Feet (Red Rock) crossing where the flowing water is above the ankle deep. Wet cold feet during the crossing. Trails are drying out from snow on Sun and freeze thaw mud. Hiline is east facing that holds the cold that might mean more grease tread. I proposed Dry Creek area to ride on new to her rerouted trails. Good plan. Dave dropped her off and I drove us out to Chuck wagon TH area. This trail had greasy freeze thaw mud in places. Gunslinger on was dry. Some griping aired after the FS rerouted the trail to correct unsustainability issues. Sure, it is not as chunky and not down the fall line. Here Rebecca rides the new trail. Notice the concave shape of the trail from bike wheels. Next is pic of old trail drop which is above the reroute:

Rebecca riding reroute on Chuck wagon

What trail used to do.

Long ride of 2 hrs 22 mins for 15.3 miles.  Bikes were not overly muddy, what was stuck to Rebecca’s bike while carried on my bed room carpet.

I drove us down to Dead Horse SP where she is camped. The off duty camp ground host flagged us down then lead me to their pick of a camp site. $15 for a tent spot right near the heated restroom w/ showers. I took a shower and managed to prepare my dinner and eat b4 Obama’s state of the union address that I listened to on XM. I am a liberal and he spoke to me. Let’s get it done.

Steve from Sun Valley called saying he just arrived in VOC. Tomorrow we will plan a ride.

Temps are warming sucking up the moisture from the trails.

Sun I put on the castor oil on my shoulder. Nauseous during the night and into the next day. I prefer the cumacin. I believe there is structural damage that I don’t want to learn about.

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