Hurricane at last

The big all day driving is over, finally. I made the upper JEM TH b4 5:00 today. I hiked the upper section of trail down to the switchback checking on trail conditions. The trail seems to have weathered well in my year’s absence. The weather forecast called for precip starting tomorrow evening and extending into weekend. My riding window is tomorrow for the entire Hurricane Rim trail.

I called Dyno Dan right after my hike.

This AM in Aztec, NM I awoke to 17 degrees and a solid frost line on the windshield. The heater on full takes the bite off. I thought about riding Alien World. I decided to drive instead because of the forecast for snow; I didn’t want to drive on snow. Plus my chest is still hacking and coughing.

My van mpg is again low because of type of driving.

Desert and vertical relief. Gooseberry and Little Creek.

Tomorrow I pick up my new Pisgah jersey sent to me. I wore the present one literally out.