Lost bolt and pie

I took Sat off by parking @ the cultural center and sitting in the sun. I let the world come to me, or at least a few mtn bikers stopped to chat. Josh Peterson, editor of Dirtrag stopped. He said they are still interested in my story but haven’t figured out how to use it. Sunburned my bald spot which is pretty well established, no thinning hair there.

For several days I have had a dry non productive cough that is bot annoying and disconcerting w/ my lung issues. I finally sacked it up and visited Insta Care. Lungs are clear as was the chest Xray. Apparently I am suffering from allergies perhaps to the juniper pollen. Never had an allergy in my life. Pharmicist Jay @ walgreens suggested a decongestant which I am using now, Still a cough but not as frequent. DR says he doubts I have temporal arteritis because the sedimentation rat5e of my blood was not of concern from last blood test. Steroid is just messing w/ my body. Today I started the taper off them in which the dosage drops 10 mg / day until middle of April.

Wil the publisher of Beartooth maps treated me to dinner @ beer @ Oak Creek brewery downtown Sat night.

Sunday’s plan is to drive down to Rock Springs to shuttle part of Black Canyon trail. I spent Sat night @ Beaverhead in spot choice number 3 because of the other campers. Busiest ever.

Sun I rolled down I-17 to BCT. On the road agin, albeit an out & back. Made the TH in plenty of time. Jason joined. We met last Fri @ BnB, he is from Boise on a short road trip. Shuttle showed up. Big van and big trailer. Cost $15 to shuttle to our stop. I pulled my bike off the trailer which carried the bikes front end way high. B4 the driver left I saddled up and noticed my rear brake lever was askew. Shit, the hinge bolt & nut were no longer there. No rear brake. I instantly bagged the ride and climbed back into the van. The bolt previously loosened but I caught it and tightened it  down. Must have been the 5 miles of wash board gravel road that shook it loose.

Plan was to do big ride then have pie @ the cafe and a shower @  KOA. I just had jack daniels pecan pie and vanilla ice cream. No calorie burn for calorie load. Skipped shower then drove back to Sedona. Social interaction @ BnB then drove out to Deer Pass for teh night. Windy and warm.

Tomorrow is to score a new bolt & nut to rescue the current brake or replace it w/ its’ worn predecesor and order the parts. Later I meet Wil for a ride. I’ll get one in.

Driving back up I-17 I came upon a ASP on the right shoulder w/ lights on. I slowed down and pulled to the left. He was just on the front side of a slight grade. When i crested it i saw a line of cars and rescue vehicles. No idea there would be a stop. I slowed in time. Pick up truck smashed into the left guard rail then blew across the road to hit the outside guard rail. Prolly the second accident  I have seen in all my travels. Seems the ASP should have put flares down for attention.