Chilly clear night out @ Democrat gulch. Hey, I sleep here I didn’t pick it for party affiliation. Turned on the heater this AM for b-fast.
Plan today is to ride a hurkin ride Chip laid out. First I researched the phone number of Club Ride apparel, I found it, and called. Spoke w/ Mike. Explained my need to swap a large jersey for pants hopefully in my size. He said Yes so i drove to his office, staffed by himself and a professional woman working on a computer. I scored a pair of small Club Ride baggie shorts. I mentioned that Kyle tried to get me into his gear last summer.
I drove a bit further up the road to Lake Creek TH for my ride. Trail undulated on the south shore of Big Wood River that drains the valley. Rode into colors. Seems the aspen are turning in pockets of cold air.
I rode up Oregon Gulch and hiked it when i pooped out. Big climb. Decent was rocky and loose dirt intermingled w/ short uphills. 16.5 miles and climbed 2817′ up to 7600′. Brutal lack of O2. Valley is 6100′.
Big mtn view of Boulder mtns:
Shower @ YMCA. back into Ketchum to Elephant’s perch and found Kyle for a short worktime visit. He has a long distance ride to do next week after he returns from a whirlwind trip back to New England.
Off to restaurant eat then drive out past Sun Valley to out of internet range.
Tomorrow is another ride but further upriver.