Played too hard

Stayed up last night till 11:30. Every day now the sun goes down earlier. Chilly sunny morning again waiting for sun’s warmth.

Made a cherished scratch pancake recipe for first time in way long time. Still recalled recipe from memory.

Drove into Hailey to visit w/ Chip. He gives a big smile and says what am i doing back after they sent me away? I just said that I can. Asked Chip for a ride suggestion that I followed today, hence I played too hard. 3 hr ride for 17 miles and 3587′ vert. Killer.

Rode up Greenhorn gulch for a not too unpleasant climb. Next was a nastier climb. Route is to climb out of Greenhorn and traverse over to Mahoney drainage then climb out and over to Lodgepole Gulch and down to TH. I misunderstood what the map and trail signs were trying to say by climbing up Mars Ridge trail, hit snow and big alpine. No more climbing here, I’m done and I turned around again dragging my bike thru corn snow which will pack up between the tires and frame and fork. Feet postholing to my knees. WTF. Turned down Mahoney Gulch like I should have. Found trail climbing over to Lodgepole Gulch. Starting to bonk in addition to breathing issues. Need to eat during ride. Then picked up last downhill to bottom. Rounded a corner to face a cowboy bent over facing into the hill lopping brush. His mule was behind him. I powerfully braked to a non skidding stop while quietly exclaiming Whoa. The mule didn’t blink. The cowboy finally looked up startled at me at dead stop. I dropped off the downhill side of the trail and he lead his mule by.

Trails here that I have ridden are not technically hard, they excell @ grunt factor, most of the climbs are less than 10% but there are some memorable steep 22% pieces. Ride up a drainage traverse across several other drainages perhaps w/ trails then drop down back to TH. Hard ride today that spent me.

drop dead scenery, or was that Sedona?

Seat dropper is a hoot. Long downhills. Drop the seat then deep knee bends lowering my center of gravity. Big handlebars and butt way low makes for flipping body english thru the turns. Pretty cool.

Back @ TH beat. Drank some chocolate milk that I have read makes the perfect recovery food. I don’t drink milk as a beverage but the chocolate milk turns me on.

Down low on Greenhorn a youth group is installing bridges at the creek crossings. Whoopee! Dry feet.

Wash cloth rinsed mud and sweat off. Drove back to Hailey to buy dinner fixings and h2o resupply. Then back out to Democrat gulch.

Van pulled the hill w/o faltering this AM. Believe issue has been solved.

Tomorrow Chip will service my fork. Take a rest day after today’s cooker.

90 degrees forecast for Boise tomorrow. I need to be in Meridian near Boise by eob on Fri. I plan on staying here till Fri AM.