Clarence “The Big Man” Clemons died today from complications from a stroke on Fri. Great sax player in the E street Band. Bruce will figure it out.
Flat out chilly in the AM. Turned on the heater for b-fast until the sun crested the ridge warming up my world very quickly.
This AM @ 8:30 the hoses are to be installed. I am dubious that they will be at Pro Tec. B-fast, clean up, and make ready to go for the drive and I arrive right on time. I ask Scott w/ cynicism that the hoses wouldn’t be here. He said they came in Sat via a auto parts shipping service. Hoses installed which will eliminate the diesel smell and the stuttering on cold engine.
Drove back to Hop …. park for starting point of self directed ride working from what Steve lead me on. Kitted up then headed out. By myself I can huff and puff up the hills. On the grinders I get into a gasping rhythm to climb the steeps on the Croy Canyon trails. STEVE: I cleaned the switchback on the 3rd try. 26″ wheels allowed me to steer thru the turn. Rode up 2 dog. Part has been rebuilt by Tony in some role. A rattlesnake made its presence made it’s warning noise just once. Climbed Bulldog. Like 15 miles @ 2100′ climb. Good spinning trail system.
Close in
Back at the van I turned on the Springsteen channel on XM and very quickly learned that the Big Man died today. I am tight w/ Bruce’s music.
Drove to Hailey aquatics center for a shower. $2.00 in an open locker room. $5.00 @ health club.
Checked out SV Brewing CO in Hailey for a beer. Several locals arrived separately greeting each other like buds. Visited w/ 1, a rider, we shared ride info. Lots more riding when the snow melts out.
Back out @ Democrat Gulch camp spot. Shortly the sun will drop behind the ridge between us. Light will remain in the valley reflected off the peaks to the south. Temp will cool.
Forecast calls for HOT 90 degs in Boise on Wed, Thurs is mid 80s. Hailey is high 74. No brainer: Going to Boise maybe Thurs.
Tentative plan is to ride the North Umpqua trail (NUT) to finish on July 4. I will plan backwards for the start. But there will be snow mosquitoes till end of July. I could hang here longer then ride Bend a few days then Oakridge then NUT.
On my ride I ran into Doug from Twin Falls parking lot conversation. Got into a discussion about personal impact of mountain biking and why it is good for others.
After dinner I hiked up the road away from the hard road. Viewed a small lake, maybe 2 acres, held by man. Further up the incoming creek beavers had made their stand. Mosquitoes are from the lake. My camp spot is the first on Democrat Gulch and the next one I never made walking. My spot is above the heavy concentration of mosquitoes. This AM I did squash a blood gorged expectant mother.