Share the dung

Today I rode the cow paths in Horseshoe creek basin west of Driggs, ID. I learned that the premise for the trails was just recognizing cow paths into a trail system. More to it than that but there is shared use on miles of the trails. I can’t authenticate the quote but it goes something like this: If you can’t take a hot juicy one in the mouth then you are not a mountain biker. The trail traveled thru open sage into aspen thickets into deep doug fir forest. In the deep tree cover the fresh brown splatters were a challenge to see and to avoid. Just lots of cow shit because the trails are in range land. My tires look impregnated w/ dried green. A splatter made my white saddle.

Spent 7 mins anoerobic. Breathing still a limiter.

Drove back into Driggs for a laundromat, shower, liquor, & groceries. Clean clothes, clean body, gonna get juiced.

The view East into the west side of the Tetons, with the Grand standing above. I saw the view from the valley floor that gave the name to the peaks. Just a raged ridge and that’s it, no depth. One stop light in Driggs @ ski hill road and the road i am out off of.

Have a big ride laid out for tomorrow. Need to manage my time to make Curly lake by dinner some 5 hour drive.