Been hanging w/ Herm.
Rain day went into town. Night again @ TH.
Thurs met Herm @ his house for ride. Comfortable place to sleep as several future nights will attest. Drove to Greenwood furnace SP. Furnace is from old iron days back in 1700s to early 1900s. Hillsides were stripped of timber for making charcoal for the iron smelting process or build lumber. Area is now all old regrowth. Trails are rocky & narrow.Laurel is blooming, their spent blossoms liter the forest floor.
My back was still bothering me. I called Kevin, the chiro, left a message stating my need for more treatment. I took my phone w/ me on the ride. Herm and I stopped out on the edge of a steep hill dropping down into Amish farmlands. Overtime several chairs of rock were created. My phone rang, I retrieved it from my pack and sat in a chair for the call. It was Kevin and we scheduled an appointment @ 6:00.
Email from Chris Lesser says he is coming Thurs eve. Herm & some of his friends gather @ Zeno’s downtown to listen to a band that he knows. Chris Lesser arrives later, walks up to out table and intros himself to me. Picked me out of crowd. He had advantage as I have never seen him. Hard to carry on a conversation w/ band playing. Adjourned to Herm’s house and we visited over craft beer till late. Chris slept in a bivy bag.
Today a late night affected speed got us out for bfast & then out for ride @ Tussey mtn area. Chris is a good rider, he rides a Turner 5 Spot also. More new single track to ride over. Today back is feeling much better, however my sore ribs make deep and frequent (read: Panting) breathing “discomfortable” Stuck w/ it/. Rode more today than previous days.
Not third world, just Rothrock State park.SC and I haven’t decided when to leave. The Stupid 50 mtn bike race is Sunday. I won’t race but I might stay to help.
Groundhogs out on suburban road edges grazing.