Quit complaining

Sitting here in the cold rain on top of Little Flat mtn above State College, PA. Low 50s, could use heat on in van. Went from heat and humidity in VA to pleasant weather here then cold rain this AM. Get a riding break.

Yesterday another ride w/ Jeremy and Herm at Cooper’s Gap in Rothrock SP. We rode up a gravel forest road then rode down Sassyfras trail. Trails on ridge tops are rocky albeit tamer than Tussey mtn. Early part of downhill was almost back behind the seat before mellowing out and just swooping between the trees, over roots and a few rocks. Locals know the goods and share them graciously. Amish live back in these out of the way places, their horse drawn buggies leave narrow wheel tracks & horse droppings down the middle of the lane. Pretty country.

Last night Jeremy hosted a pot luck @ his house attended by academia friends, many either PhDs or working on it, some are bike riders. I said “Duh” a few times.

Tuesday AM I drove back into town  to visit Freeze Thaw Bikes where Chuck is a partner. Got tour of shop in downtown SC, just across the street from Penn State. Successful shop.

Next up was my Chiro appointment. New treatment: Applied Kinesiology, another chiro method where the muscles are turned off allowing the bones to return to normal position. Quite impressive. I was able to stand straight and my rib and leg pains were lessened. The ride later in the day confirmed his success. I still have pain  caused by the physical impact on the rocks. Sleeping last night was less painful.

Slept w/ down blanket last night @ TH. Slept in enjoying cooler temps snuggled under down. Started raining around 8:30 when I finally crawled out of bed. Had Bfast. Plan is to drive up to top of mtn underneath cell towers to enjoy fast internet access. Enjoyed the speed and cold rain.

My dad survived his near death from internal bleeding and is going home today. Looking forward to his 85th bday on the 19th.

Herm makes maps professionally under the name Purple Lizard Maps, Live for adventure, So many trails… so little time. Herm is a kindred spirit sharing my views on traveling by ourselves. He gets it. No, not sharing, our values are the same derived independently of each other and arriving @ same place. He has offered to lead more rides.

A fire lookout tower is right outside my van door but I am unwilling to venture into the rain to check it out.

Bundle up. Need heat today to combat nature’s air conditioning.

Hey you west coast riders who have never ridden back east: Come ride out here.