73 degrees , 90% humidity

Left Dalton and drove to Dahlonega. Air was thick w/ moisture in Dalton at about 600′ elevation. Drove up Fort mtn @ 2600′ into the clouds & eventual rain. Rained off & on lightly till Dah.. . Did wash in Dalton where the washers take credit cards and the dryers are free.  Passed a roadside produce stand advertising fresh strawberries. Turned around & bought a bucket for $6.00. Guy told me they picked today for first of season which was apparent from unripened berries. Bigger and firmer but have less taste. New varieties benefit the grower but deprive the eater of the joy of juice running down your chin.

Of course everything is green because this is the South and it has been raining. Kudzo vines haven’t leafed out.

Found Dahlonega Bike works where I hung last spring in the rain and waiting for parts for my Formula brake rebuild. Zak, who fixed the brake is working there. “It is what it is” owner Jon, was down @ Winder in an endurance bike race. His shop grew another bay in the small strip shopping building as another business went out of business. Jon is also into dirt bikes which populate the new bay. Zak is building motor cycle wheels.

Same TV above a couch & cold adult beverages in the glass fronted cooler. I asked if there was moonshine inside. Yes, they said and that it was the same large jar from last year. I poured myself a stiff shot. One whiff disclosed that it was not the sweet peach ‘shine. This had bite. Drinking this could slake my thirst for home made.

Too wet to mtn bike ride. Drove into historical downtown for a tourist adventure. Listed to a bunch of guys playing bluegrass. Bought a black & white chocolate malt. Mmmm good. Local chocolatier made some good stuff but left it for others to consume. Classic downtown w/ courthouse on square in downtown. Dahlonega was site of America’s first gold rush back in 1821.

Drove back out to FS campground for horses near Bull mtn. No horse campers but I camped @ first spot and didn’t go all way to back of XG. They ride their horses on wet trails and just f*** them up.

Need to be in Augusta Wed. This appears to be last piece of public land between here & there. No shop local riders for ride tomorrow. Undecided how I will amuse myself till Wed.

No, I did not receive any financial remuneration for BikeMag article. I paid same price all your buyers paid. For you folks, hang onto your copy and I will make it priceless w/ my autograph which will make your issue a collectors’ joy instead of the recycling bungee.