Arkansas is not Arizona

2 days of driving from dry to wet, desert to well rained on. Drove all day yesterday continuing to fight the tail wind & different wheel base width on I-40. Drove across NM and Texas and crashed in a motel parking lot at Clinton, OK. 33 mph winds helped to establish an all time high mpg of 35.2. Saw smashed armadillo in east OK. Tuesday was all I-40. Today east of Oklahoma city I drove rt 62 all way to Fayetteville, AR. Slightly rolling hills appeared in E OK.

Made High Roller  bike shop in Fayetteville to pick up my edge 305 sent by Garmin for warranty replacement.  Back to being a touron when i go to a bike shop. Got a few ride ideas from shop that concurred to what i had found.

Camped in Fayetteville commercial airport parking lot. researched web for listing of airports for future camping. Found  listing by city but no map showing locations. Airports have an advantage of being further from population.

Tomorrow driving up near WalMart headquarters and ride Hobbs state park then move a bit to Madison cty game management for Friday.

Ribs are less painful to sleep on. For 2 days now  i have been drinking almost a gallon of h2o. I started a vit C regime plus 2 electrolyte replacements. Gut problems any better?

I am definately a product of the west where beer is plentiful and varied and  grocery stores have filtered h2o machines. Not ready to drink PBR. Must embrace the differences.

Started listening to the Mariners tonight on XM.