In Las Vegas

Yesterday I drove to LV to see Race Across the Sky and see Grace’s on screen presence. She made an impression on the movie maker as she had her name captioned. Movie wight make weaker people want to race the 100 miles.

Slept in parking lot near theater. Noisy. Plan today was to hit REI for a Death Valley guide book and a Jockey outlet for new underwear, so far the only items to wear out so far.

Woke up w/ a pounding headache and pulse. Visited a quick check right in same parking lot. Concerned that fall damaged my brain. DR said that he wasn’t concerned about bleeding. He didn’t explain why I have had a headache since the first fall back 10/8. The hydrocodone didn’t knock out the headache so he prescribed another pain killer, a one a day deal. BP was 147/89 which is way high which might be causing the headache. he prescribed a BP lowering drug. Stopped @ pharmacy to fill script. Insurance balked @ the BP medicine. Ended up driving back to clinic where the dr changed the script to what the insurance would accept. I take a pill tonight and will see if my headache is gone in the AM. Both of the falls have my body out of whack.

Drove thru the wild burro management area again NW of LV where the burros have the right of way. Saw several last spring. They are protected, all you can do is fence in your yard and shovel the manure.

Tomorrow is Death Valley. Forecast is for balmy 74 degrees. I will learn how wired the park is.