Another day in Sedona, another crazy ride

Warm evening again. Didn’t sleep well looking forward to AM shop ride from mtn bike heaven as today the ride is not to be as knarrly as Sunday’s was.

Darma, Dean & Jackie & dog, Seva, and dangerous dave arrived later. Too hot for dog group, Seva dropped out later. I just hang on. Others are on big hit bikes that they bereak stuff on and I an on my frail XC bike. Need a big bike for riding here. Not as hot today, a bit overcast. Most of trails were on map. One not on map we rode right down a rock strewn draw. This riding here is all about loose sharp edged moving rock. No big 400′ climbs just a lot of technical moves. dangerous dave is just that but handles his bike w/ ease. We crossed Oak Creek on foot over a loose series of sticks inches from flowing mid thigh deep h2o. Warm enough for a planned dip, not a fall. Posted ride data in Google earth that is an interesting view, open rides starting with “Sedona…”

Slime tubes have special needs in that if it goes flat because of too many holes, you might have to replace the tube and abrade out all the thorns that are sticking thru the inside of tire. The slime oozes out sealing the hole, if it goes flat the ooze looses its grip in hole edges and lets air escape when pumped back up if too many holes. Sometimes the thorns work thru the casing long after riding in thorns and if I replaced the slime tubes for the lighter regular tubes I would be patching a tube. Might be fated to riding the heavier tubes until I leave thornland and buy new tires. My spare tube is also a slime

Drove back out to Gaydar spot where I have left my chair & carpet to say somebody is staying here spot. Pretty windy. Pitched shower enclosure that the wind just beat around. I showered with the plastic enclosure wrapped around me. Used just under 3 gallons of h2o. Plenty of real hot h2o from Coleman.

Found Sprinter dealer in Scottsdale for oil change & service. Called & made an appointment for tomorrow. decided to do work here about 900 miles before it is needed to spare myself the coast of CA crowd for a Sprinter dealer.

Dean, whom i rode with on Sunday & tried to today but too dog hot used to own bike shop outside Zion NP. On Sunday’s ride I told of a guy up on Gooseberry that used his wheels to knock rocks off the trail. He said that was him so I met him back in ’98 but my memory failed.

Parked on windward edge of bluff and the wind is hitting my van amidships and I am rocking.

Looking forward to a good sleep tonight because temp is lower. I am tired