Real rainy day in Dahlonega

Dateline: USFS land Jake Mtn TH near dahlonega, ga

Comfortable night: no heater nor doubled blanket. First rain drops were the harbingers to come. Slight pitter pat for less than a minute. Silence for me to doze off and then a slightly louder & longer drum solo. Its 7:30 and time to catch tail end of PBS on XM, The Takeaway and following, The Bob Edwards show. And the main event lets loose. No rain record was threatened. The XG site and the road are graveled from previous logging hauling which eliminated the concern of getting stuck in mud.

Today the USPS will deliver the brake part. Rain and wet trails means no ride today anyway. Leisurely start to town. Drive by shop and it hasn’t opened. GPS does not find needed Mcds but I found it visually. Searched for fuel locations. Doesn’t specify gas or diesel. I picked one outside town up canyon. Diesel pump was out in open pouring rain. Drove back to town & grocery shopped again @ Walmart because it was the better of 2 choices. So white bread and lacking abundance of healthy choices. No Dannon yogurt.

Call Jon @ Wheelworks to learn no arrival w/ daily mail. parked in Post Office parking lot above the shop in the rain and tracked the tracking number. No tracking data, learned that PO only has to scan bar code @ delivery. Not much good w/ that. So, no part again and another night.

I spend some time hanging @ Wheelworks telling & listening to stories from Jon. And there is the ‘shine in the cooler.

Found this letter answer in Bike Magazine:

Writer asks magazine why there is no monthly female model.

mag answer “So what I think you’re asking for is a pin-up girl of the month straddling a mountain bike? Should we include tear-out tissue inserts as well?

I think not. We stand for the manly pastimes of sexually frustrated men with grizzled beards and bad breath searching for fulfillment in the woods, ignoring the existence of the fairer sex. The moment our readers realize that women are as fun to ride as bikes, we are doomed.”

Friday night out in wet woods warm dry van, listening to XM Bluesville. No movies just me, the computer, and the reader.

Bought a danish to share w/ bike shop because among others if not shared I would eat it in 1 day. Didn’t make shop but I saved half for tomorrow.

Jon said the vine, kudzu, sprouts almost immediately and takes over. He said that truck could have been covered like that in just a few years. No natural consumer, imported for landscape.