Knee flexes back & man makes a judgement call

Not everyday do I have inernet access.

I rode local trails at exeter with the newly lowered seat. man, what a difference it made: right up there with the custom tuning of the shock. I am a victim of reading info and maybe not bouncing it against veteed knowledgeable people. My saddle was too high which kimited my pedal leaving me with no power at the bottom of the stroke. I rode rock gardens and root farms and had way more fun and had umph to muscle a move.

Knee pain is lessened when not walking or sitting still. When i pedal there is no pain.

Drove into Mass to Charles Parker SF NW of Boston. XGs closed, found parking lot for sleep spot. Biker riders came and went riding with lights until about 9:00. Several said the Forest closed at dusk but they had never been hassles and could not testify that anybody staying overnight would be rousted. I chose to take a risk. I didn’t fall asleep quickly, awaiting the feared Roust. ABout 12:00 I was awakened to voices and lights flasked thru the windshield. Might have been the man and if it was he let me stay. All I had to do was wait out sunrise and I could sleep in as I would be legal then.

Geared up for ride. Again, knee feeling good riding. Found first ST off gravel road and took it. Another dose of rocks, this time the rocks were sharp edged making a fall a more painful stop. I still walk but am getting better especially with my lowered seat. Local riders are having a ride: Wicked Ride of the East and the route was marked with small yellow squares nailed into trees along the way. Got lost again, couldn’t find exit off loop and rode some of the trail 3x. And then I got really lost inside a big box. EDGE helped. Found road and rode roads back to van.

Stepped in dog shit at the TH somewhere. Smeared some goodies on carpet. Cleaned shoe off. Went for ride, came back, walked in woods again and found the same stash again somehow. Dog shit stinks. Found car wash with carpet shampoo machine and made smell go away.

Looking for shower. Tried 2 XGs that were advertised on I-495, neither would sell me a shower.

Now in Rhode Island heading to Arcadia area.

Rode Mass for 21st state. Will probably work my way back to it after RI and a ride in Conn. Conn rides appear hard to find.

Exeter, NH rest day

Slept unmolested. Early in the AM cars would pull thru the parking lot. I figured it was a traffic bypass. i learned later that it was a drive thru Starbucks. Up @ 6:00 in dark to be able to leave.

Left knee is very painful, burning in joint. Decided to take rest day & do computer work. Took Aleve & iced it w/ frozen gel pack I brought along. A bit better.

Heavy drizzle in AM.

Parked in grocery store parking lot X the street for internet. Grocery stores for most part in East do not have bulk water filters. Sell bottled h2o with a 5 cent deposit on gallon jugs. Wonder what drives resource intense retailing of bottled h2o vs a bulk filter.

Half heartedly attempted to drive in to a bike shop to check my bike fitting. Caught 1 @ Dover but they lacked the fine tuning skills I sought. They recommended Exeter Cycles in Exeter. Received directions that I misinterpretted & started N on road. Stopped @ Rite Aid & looked up phone number from phone book. I called and learned that they are schooled & skilled in bike fitting. Good for me.

Made it there before closing. John coached me on setup. I was way too high on seat, cleats far back, seat far forward. Saddle way shorter that now makes for a real powerful stroke. Knee pain way lessened. Going to ride local trails tomorrow to check out fit.

Historical town. See next post for continuation

Bradbury again, patagonia, LL Bean

Sprinkled a bit over night. Forecast was for clearing & sunny in the afternoon.

Drove into Freeport to spend my Patagonia return $. Not open until 10:00. Drove to visitor center & chatted with information providers.

Visited S Freeport public wharf and chatted w 2 lobstermen. Learned that 1 1/4# lobster takes 6 to 7 years growth, each license is good for 400 pots, they check them every 3 – 4 days, use uneatable fish caught gill netting. Saw 2 sail boats from WA, 1 Seattle, 1 Gig Harbor. Lots of boats in storage. Boats everywhere.

Back to Pataguchie, scored big from outlet store. Spent all return $.

Did internet work parked in town waiting out weather change that didn’t happen but it didn’t rain so I drove back to Bradbury that is less than 6 miles from Freeport.

Bradbury on E side of rt 9 where most single track is located was deserted. W side has mtn and where 100% of the hikers go. yesterday with all the people I did not see 1 hiker on ST trails. Like why hike something that takes forever to get some where a hiker would want. Seems like w/ mtn biking it is all about the ride and distance is not an issue. Total miles of ST is the objective. Great when you can make new bike trails. Saw 4 people during my 1 hr 36 min 10.15 mile ride. elevation is like 250′, the EDGE recorded 984′ vert.

Left knee is hurting differently now causing concern. Fiddling w/ saddle & cleat adjustment. Not sure if I am getting closer to what it should be and the hurt came from previous settings. I hope it is the latter.

Back to KOA for shower and drove back to Freeport laundromat. Clean sheets, body, and clothes.

Freeport is a shopping town with LL Bean and several other big name outlet stores. Bean is open 24 hrs / day. Decided that I needed a lowcut LL Bean hunting boot for the upcoming wet days. Bought a pair.

Wet bike clothes are hung on a clothes line stretched across inside the back of the van. Heat does not really get back to dry quickly. As the weather cools off and I am near ocean high humidity & low temps make for a cluttered damp home.

Drove down HWY 1after dark looking for a dirtbag spot. Found 1 in dark corner of parking lot of a drive thru bank.

Tampa Bay Smoked the Reds.

Meeting Cal in Philly the 29th.