Calendar supports. Me, upright and unscathed. Light is lower angle which creates shadows. Dirt is damp and firm, snow melt soaked in. Nary another person to share trails with.
Tues morn I drove into La Pine for fuel and water at same location. Visited the newly remodeled Deschutes County Library to print an advance directive. Printed it, it requires 2 witnesses to state I am able to ,make health decisions. Line appears to be just for a signature. Hmm? Drove up to Swampy thru Sunriver and up towards Bachelor, once out of town land is FS, pleasant drive. Still 30 miles and 40 mins drive.
Riding at Swampy at roughly 6,000′, will be feeling effects of winter soon, I chose to ride up here as I can before snow drives me lower. Arrived at empty TH parking. Geared up. Chain brush on chain to knock off the luggies, wipe down the shock, dropper post, and fork legs, check the tire air pressure usually requiring adding air. Digital pressure gauge. Knickers became too warm.
Ride was up haul road Swampy east as I sought to ride a trail only once. Got the job done as I warmed up. Took catch over to W Swampy continuing around lake
Took Swede Ridge to its end then returned on SST. Dirt is amazing in its transition from blown pumice to brown grains sticking together firm tread. 9.21 miles climbing 909, pedaling for 1 hr 21 mins. Algo rhythm read 33 hr recovery. Conditioning reflected in recovery hours.
Spent the night at Swampy. Sunrise is like 7:28
Sunset 6:14.
Fall temperature is ground giving up heat to chilly air. More enjoyable than spring when ground sucks the heat. Fall is slower, summer vacations over, stuck putting in time till next time off.
I park my van with the rear facing the sun. Again that is where the heat controller is which senses correct warmth but the front is not benefiting from that solar gain. It is what it is. I dallied waiting warmth from the sun before pedaling away. Around 10 I pedaled away, starting with climb on Ridge. Rode over many newly constructed drains built by COTA volunteers last weekend. Continued up to junction with Flag Tie, today just brown firm dirt. Down to lower Flag down to Swampy. Lower angle sun creates shadows that my vision can not see thru. For the most part when I keep my wheels in the tread there are few challenges.
Swampy around to the catch up to Ridge. This piece before fall took 9 mins, punishing climb for me. Earlier this year I walked this trail right after that heavy rain storm I experienced and watched down pour. I observed in places the hillside above the trail slid. Today I checked out several of those spots seeing little sign of slide.
Today I broke my ride into rest stops.
Camera allows light over the darkness.
9.26 miles climbing 984′, took 1 hr 22 mins. Recovery is just 26 hours.
Drove back to town for groceries and a new book. Happy Camper bread is now at Newport in time for breakfast tomorrow, today I ate the last. Drove back to La Pine. Fall is so pretty. Air is clear.
Rest day tomorrow, laundry at La Pine. Maybe library to read Bend paper.
Still no return call from surgery center for my date. Not at peace. My shoulder supports riding but typing this doesn’t allow lifting my forearm, not so much hurt as not moving correctly.