Decorah, Ia & it’s trails

I camped right near a bridge X a river w/ no name. There was quite a flood here this spring and the bridge and approach road were underwater. i saw a tree limb in the bridge deck.

Drove into town looking for Oneota River Cycles to learn of trails. My research from the web said just go to town & ride trails.

Arrived b4 shop opened, walked town streets. Town is viable and downtown is healthy. Deek opened his shop and we engaged in biking conversation for some time. 29ers hardtails are most popular bike. Learned a bit of physics on tire design. I am so out West biking. They ride big round tires as most tires as their trails are side hill off camber and this design of tire doesn’t force bike up into hill.

Deek gave me several maps and a ride suggestion.

I paid for camping @ Pilot Rock city XG outside of town. Quite packed but I was placed in a quiet spot because i did not need electric.

Rode for XG to trails. All close in to town. Again small area with small intestine layout trails. The ride is about the ride and not where I go. Twisty woods riding. Dirt is black and deep. Oak acorns. Switchback roots, finesse moves. Walked my normal blind logs wheelies. Good ride. Again design & execution is fantastic. Didn’t travel far but rode 21.68 miles & 2044′, some of the ride was pavement to & from and recovering from being lost on way back to XG.

Bought cluster, will replace it & chain tomorrow as cluster is toast. Lesses model of SRAM chain wore prematurely & I didn’t stay on top of wear.

Nice unlimited shower.

Dinner & walk into town for a beer @ T-Bocks. A young man approached my table & asked me how long it took to grow my beard. This opened the door to a free ranging conversation. later his girlfriend and her girlfriend arrived and the conversation kept going. The 2nd girl worked at Gothic outside of CB this summer and she studied aspen, woodpeckers, & fungus. We shared same places same time which was fun.

Back to XG.

Going to ride  1 more day in Ia at Yellow River SF as they have 40 miles of good trails per Deek who also gave me some Il contacts.

Gotta research.

Levis-Trow Mound epic in WI.

Spent night in County XG. Paid $16 & still had trains.

Up and out early for epic and drive to IA.

TH nearby, daily fee is $3.00. Well mapped, at most intersections a map was posted with a red dot you are here spot.

Fun ride, way more open than Maplelag but this place has 133,000 acres. Forest is mostly oak w/ some conifers thrown in that must have been planted after the original “harvest” & these trees are now being cut on the trail.

Trail climbed up onto mound for some really interesting trails. Trail designers did a wonderful job. Soil is decomposed sandstone with lots of acorns marbeling the tread. Up on the Mound the trail hung against the rock outcropping on ridge.

trail runs around sandstone outcrop, smoother section
trail runs around sandstone outcrop, smoother section

More pictures will be posted in future when I achieve faster internet speed.

It’s the old axiom: dance with who brought you. I ride what is on earth and the locals have made in some cases lemonade from lemons with their local terra firma. This system has 17 miles of ST and more being added. So it is in WI with no mountains but creative trail design milks climbs. 15 miles and 1200′ vert for the ride.

Ride it again? sure, if I lived nearby.

All alone out there. Weather spit rain off and on but in deep deciduous forest I remained dry.

Drove back to XG for shower and laundry. And it rained. One second nothing and the next the skies just opened up. Happened several times.

Stopped by Bruce Mound Winter Ski Area that is a local downhill ski slope. Have pictures on other camera to share. Tbars. Several short step shots and maybe some gentle cruisers that I couldn’t see. Again, you work with what you got.

Off to Iowa for Decorah trails in the NE corner of the state.  10 states ridden in so far.

Hunkered down outside Spring Grove typing this. Have to leave soon as it is closed during sleeping time.

X’ Mississippi going back to MN, heading West. Fought urge to keep going in that direction.

Earlier I parked on a side street along the Miss River. A guy came up to my van and we chatted for quite awhile. He saw the back of the van and it piqued his interest. He envied me and wished he could do the same. He treated me to a macro Bud Light. I am accepting things that I would not normally as it bonds w/ the giver.

Off to research Indiana rides.

Change of tune

Dad called just as I was getting out of bed with a birthday wish.

Bought propane: 5 gal which seemed high for time between last refill. Pay attention

Off on route 10 to Detroit lakes and Maplelag.

Cross wind of small velocity really blows the Sprinter around. Real handfull to drive: No asleep @ the wheel.

Drove into Calloway, where the plains meet the forest. Starting to see slight ripples in earth’s crust.

Find Maplelag which is a XC resort done up in old railroad motif. Numerous cabooses are used for sleeping rooms. Lots of other fine buildings also.

Find Jay, my permission contact. He gives me a run down on the bike trails. 7 mile lap and 1500′ per lap.

Headed out: first real taste of midwest forest riding. Tight twisty rooty, rocky, & dark. Trails again milked the elevation w/ side hills & ups and downs. Some open sji trails to fly down or grunt up.

Good skill acquisition trail. 2 hrs, 2 laps 13 miles about 1000′ per lap

Epiphany: Trails on public land out West go somewhere. Trails on private land just go around. Ride what ya got and do good with it and you get a mountain bike ride albeit mountains nowhere in sight.

This picture captures the essence of the riding:

dark hardwood forest. tight twisty trail.
dark hardwood forest. tight twisty trail.

Body armor has a different use here.

Looking out over a silted lake becoming a meadow. Note skyline:

lake becoming a meadow, trail skirted the wet.
lake becoming a meadow, trail skirted the wet.

Got a shower in the great facility before leaving.

Drove down the road to ST Cloud, MN staging for WI ride. Found small strip mall behind gas station X road from grade school. Hunkered down for the night.