Plan B after doctor’s suggested treatment

Last night laying in bed thinking about what this tendinitis effect was going to be I hatched plan B. I worked with Shenandoah bikes and Push industries to reschedule my fork service to be performed before Tday. I removed my fork from my bike and put on a trash fork back on to allow me to still carry the bike on the fork mount. Not having the bike to ride eliminates the temptation to ride before i am as healed as I could be. So no ride stories until closer to Tday.

Tim, owner of  the bike shop, invited me to his house to hang and / or shower. I took him up on the offer. What a neat guy and neat house environment. I likened it to Alice’s restaurant church house. Lingered. I among other things need to learn how to be a guest and accept people’ invitations instead of running away from them. I indulged them in a Craig conversation and was still invited to stay.

I am accepting Cal’s dinner offer in Heath, Ohio next week.

What do I really want to do? I don’t know, I do not have a person to argue with to shape my plans against. No bike riding has left a deep hole to fill with unplanned plans.

Off to crawl further back into the van.

Overuse exacts its toll

Early AM activity of black powder hunters driving in quest of elusive deer.

Another task that is not automated: temperature adjustment. My heater has settings for lo, med, & hi. My van has windows and a fan. The outside temp changes during the night. Your house has a thermostat that compensates for variables and your temp is almost homothermic. My temp adjustment occurs by pulling on a blanket or hat, or turning on the heat, or getting up to turn the heater on or off. Last night on lo it was summer sweating time. I turned it off. Then the temp dropped and the van cooled; I doubled the blanket and hunkered down. The alarm went off and I made the dash to the heater, fired it up, & crawled back under the covers to await warmth from fossil fuel vs thermal rays.

Overcast and yesterday’s forecast called for rain so I bagged the epic ride because of exposure. I bagged the shorter ride also. So I chose to putz around. I drove into Bridgewater for internet connection.

2 days ago I started feeling pain in my lower left leg near the ankle. I could not recount an injury cause. Fear was structural. On my drive into Harrisonburg I saw an emergency clinic and without hesitation I pulled into the parking lot. A short wait later a DR confirmed it as an overuse injury to a tendon. Prescription for steroids and rest to allow irritation to subside. Perhaps caused by tweaking my knee and then making saddle adjustment. What’s done is did and now I need to rest. The forecast for the next 2 days is for rain. Now I need to find activities to occupy myself from the time I get up in the AM till I go to bed. Oh, neat on XM channel 58 is 7 x 24 Bruce Springsteen. Swell.

Back in town behind the big city / police building doing internet work then going to the Blue Nile for good beer per Tim @ Shenandoah bikes.

Skyline drive in the rain after the leaves are all down? Shopping?

I joined the forum at Dirt Rag magazine announcing my ride request. I also joined the fitsingle something meeting site. A listing of the 10 best women popped up. A few shots of bodacious tatas as a way of introduction. Strap them babies down; full suspension or hard tail?

Another day of walking in the 29th state

I spent yesterday resting and taking care of some chores.

I UPSd back an Eggbeater pedal as the wing that holds the shoe cleat on is loose and I kept releasing when I did not want to. Swapped out w/ an older pedal.

Deep in Shenandoah Valley and Civil War history.

Visited Shenandoah Bicycle for ride info, Tim, the owner, supplied several ideas. Checked my wheels on their truing stand and wheels are right where they should be. Great. The rocks have not forced the wheels from true.

1 on the road problem is still and issue: depositing $ in my BECU account. On the BECU page I can search for deposit taking ATMs as there are no credit unions available. Yesterday I searched, found an ATM, puched in the address in the gps and followed directions. It lead me to a manufacturing company. Phoey. I asked the receptionist and she said I was not the first one and no it was not open to the public. I called BECU and learned that was life.

Beautiful day: warm & sunny, none of the snow forecast Spokane is receiving.

Left town following GPS instructions to Stokesville, from there I was going to follow another FS road into the George Washington NF. Between the gps and my ineptness I wandered around before going back to a country store where the woman clerk set me straight. Worked out ok as I got to a TH parking lot about sundown.

It is getting cold at night. The van has a residual heat feature that sends engine heat after the engine is shut off into the interior until the engine temp drops. Keeps free heat for about 30 mins, saves propane.

All the leaves are down, bare trees. Went for a walk just after sundown swishing thru the oak leaves which make the trail very slippery. Bright almost full moon.

No internet access where I camped which changes the nature of the evening: No research for future rides or learning what is happening beyond my van’s walls.

Turned off heater before going to bed. Temp dropped during the night. I responded by doubling over the light down blanket and pulling on my wool hat. Not completely toasty but tolerable. I bought an alarm clock and set the time for 6:30AM. I stuck my arm out of the covers and turner it off and burrowed down for some more estivation. I did not want to leave the warmth to start the heater. The thermometer showed 37 degrees. And I could see my breath. I tested the outside temp and it was 30. My body heat boosted the inside by 7 degrees.

Hunting season: black powder.

Drove to Braley pond TH for today’s ride. Bright blue sky & still cold. Headed out. Several of the smaller creek xings had ice on them.

Ride was part gravel road then onto US route 250 up to ST start. Tim said if I wanted a longer ride I could ride up to the mtn top at the Confederate Breastworks and pick up some more ST. The Breastworks were built in 1862 by the Confederate soldiers to protect the Shenandoah Valley from the Union soldiers attack. A piece of the works has been protected and is still intact. Imagine, trees were cut, put in place on the ground, and the down hill side was covered with dirt. 127 years later and the timber is still in place. Historical info did not say if they were actually used to defend. The Confederate did attack the Union a little ways to the West away from the valley.

conferate breastworks 127 years later
confederate breastworks 127 years later

The ST out was very narrow cut into the side hill, and covered w/ slippery oak leaves. That was the good part. The first extra piece was mostly downhill. I joined the trail at the shorter piece and the trail got more difficult in spite of all the riding it gets. Skinny trail, hidden loose rocks which appear to be VA’s answer to rocks, and covered w/ leaves preventing me from anticipating the devils lurking under the leaves. And it climbed. I never said that I was a great rider or strong; I just like to ride for the enjoyment of being outside and the health benefits. Walking is still a skill I keep sharp.

trail tread under the leaves, along with the rocks
trail tread under the leaves, along with the rocks

Pure reflexes: the trail cut into a dry stream crossing, I missed the exit and stuffed the front wheel into a rock on the high side which resulted in an immediate stall and downhill flight. The stream bottom was about 8 feet below trail. In mid fall I grabbed a small tree  much like a pole dancer does during an exotic move. Saved my bacon as my bike continued it’s downward plummet.

I questioned both the map and it’s trail names and my ability to comprehend the intent. The map is small scale making reading contour lines difficult. My expectation was the trail would drop all the way back to Braley’s Pond. Hell it did, there was considerable climbing to be ridden as in 1000′ in 2 miles on sketchy ST. I’m beat. 18.32 miles & 2800′ vert.

Packed up & drove to Staunton, VA for internet connection and writing this. I will head back up valley to camp and ride the IMBA epic tomorrow. Forecast is for rain on Thurs. Get it done before the wet. I wonder what wet leaves will be like?

Got to go.

This riding is stressful: Getting lost, potential for an injury fall, mechanical breakdown, whatever.

Makes sitting at a terminal appear to be saver.