Scratchy skritchy

I live inside a van, a one room affair. I sleep in the kitchen and pantry within a short arm’s distance. Around 10PM I turn off my reading light then settle into visions of blank. The past several nights shortly after light out I would hear the subject . Is it 1 mouse or mice about? Two nights ago I watched 2 scurry along the floor. I set out traps baited with remaining peanut butter from previous use. Having taken action only a mouse tripping a trap and their body squished under the bale. Yesterday it was a mouse but the other trap was cleaned of that pbutter suggesting at least another mouse. Last night I set 3 traps, 2 on the floor and 1 in the food drawer then listened to subject. I fell asleep. During the night I was awaken 2 times by sound of a trap taking out an unwelcomed critter. The traps on the floor scored.

So, listening to a mouse getting after living in my space while I waited for it to trip the trap and that is all I can do and I must sleep over their sounds. I presented the lure, it just has to take it. Yep, should have seen the one that didn’t get away. Just watched a mouse scurry across the floor. Traps again.

Back down from Swampy but above town off rd 41. Spot at gravel pit has been occupied by a large trailer with folks that play outdoors. I park a bit behind with some distance. We say Hi to each other when they drive out or in. Catch and Release trail goes right by. Trail continues, it crosses an unimproved dirt rd which which heads into forest. I coasted down the check for anchor spot. I scored one a short way in that has a tree shade. Score. And I can ride from the van.

Which I did: Catch and Release to Storm King climbing to junction with Tiddly Winks for short climb this time not sharing with non yielding downhillers. Larsen’s up to Tylers down bermed turns to bottom at Catch and Release back home.

Tues my new $1800 crown was installed. Appointment was at 4:20. Later I attended the Bend chapter of COTA monthly meeting. Short conversation with Woody. Melanie, a COTA member is on a forest health committee representing recreationists views, opinions, and maybe approval for FS actions. I have posted many pics of the result of the tree thinning. She reported that various FS ‘ologists have established that the forest is not healthy. Man messed with it by cutting then replanting then preventing restorative low heat fires that clean the floor. Data on tree growth showed periods of fire every bunch of years. Forest is over grown. The logging is a partial cut thinning out resulting in far fewer trees per acre. Next was the mastication of low plants such as manzanita, snowbush, bitterbrush, leaving chewed up formerly living vegetation no longer on the ground. I learned the next step is to burn which will be low level fire and “manageable”. EPA controls when it can be burned. Man screwed it up and is attempting to make amends by screwing it up again. Said ultimate will be large diameter trees of sustainable density just to look at, looking because saw mills no longer have machinery to mill the to be larger dia trees. City of Bend is built right against the forest boundary, trees continue into the city. The thinned forest is hoped to retard a fire from the forest.

Today I climbed Storm King again to junction with COD. Storm King is closed here because of logging. COD down to Ticket to Ride to Welcome Center, cross the Bachelor highway pick up Catch and Release back to van. Short ride because trail closures block possible longer rides. Earlier when I passed this other spot off 41 I saw only the full size pusher yellow school bus across from where I wanted to be. I put the bike on the van and made the van road shape ready then drove to spot: still empty. Nice. Appreciate shade.

UPS ECD for wheel delivery is for tomorrow by 7PM. I’ll prolly ride here in the morning then go to town to do laundry then hang at The Hub waiting delivery then putting it on the bike.

Shimano has made an ebike that has an automatic shifting/transmission. Other manufactures make their versions of ebike. There’s money out there, the buyers will challenge the federal land managers to change trail access to motorized. Money talks, politicians listen and hold their hands out. On Singletracks web site there is an article about a Trek ebike, picture included showing a rider getting air on a technical downhill. Shows action, wonder how much assist the rider was using? Climbing is where assist assists however it lacks action not exciting.

There you have it

Bend’s elevation is short of 4,000′. Last 2 days I spent up at Swampy TH which is 5971′. The higher you go, the higher you get. Benefit here is slightly cooler temp. Last 2 mornings I extended my right arm from under the covers to switch on the heater. Solar gain hits the back of the van, the thermostat is on the head board at rear of van, the gain tells the thermostat temp has been reached and the heater shuts off. However, the inside is still chilly, I turn the heater heat level higher to send I’m cold signal. In time the air temp warms sufficiently for me to open the slider door and turn off the heater. Such is my comfort.

So I spent Sat and Sun nights at Swampy. I rode trails out of Swampy. Both rides climbed Ridge loop then turning on to Flag Tie over to descend on Lower Flagline down to Swampy. Trails here are less ridden and less polished, trails that I prefer. Shuttle traffic descends from Swampy, my ride requires effort that is antipathy to shuttlers. The Rail pedals uphill nicely and descends with stability inspiring confidence. I like this bike.

seasonal tarn from Flag tie

Anyway I like riding here.

Thursday I repeated my ride from of Tuesday’s ride riding Catch and Release from anchor spot off rd 41, continuing on Afternoon Delight, loop around Roundabout, back on Afternoon. During the previous ride the EDGE glitched not recording the entire ride. This time the EDGE glitched again. Seems something is in the air to affect the computer. Ride still is about 20 miles. This ride I completed afternoon then pedaled gravel road to connect with the river trail.

Deschutes River

On the river there are several rapids to be floated. Rafting companies float people in large rafts. Today I left a rapids before rafters floated down sparing me of the crazy screams from the rafters.

Basalt lava flow

For the most part the trails I ride are not crowded.

I9 received my damaged wheel on Thurs per UPS scheduled schedule. I9 contacted me Fri for payment and ship to address as the wheel had been repaired. I9 tore the wheel apart then rebuilt it on a replacement hub shell and replaced the driver. They covered the parts and I paid $75 for the labor. Stellar performance. Counting on riding that wheel by week’s end. I so want to be off the loaner with its long engagement in the hub. The loaner wheel produces no sound when coasting, stealth.

Tues my new crown is installed.

Finished John Water’s Liarmouth, it was a fast read, a story. Next book is by Jess Walter, The Angle of Rome, which is a collection of his short stories. Author is from Spokane and much of the settings are in that town. I lived in Spokane for 18 years then I took to the road.

Last night as I was turning my van into my bedroom I happen to catch a flash to 2 mice . I set out 2 traps, 1 the old fashion spring  and a newer one that Steve gave to me. While I was laying in bed before falling asleep my ears were perked for the snap of a trap. Silence. This morning as I lay in bed putting off getting up I heard a smack which meant the trap closed on a soft body instead of the base of the trap. Score 1 for the old trap as there is now 1less mouse. Tonight I will set both traps to eliminate the second mouse. I haven’t found their point of entry. Seems mice enter when the slider door is open. That can’t be how they get in. I have watched ground squirrels on the step at the door, they leap up, the mice lack that agility.

Heart rate 51 beats per minute taken just now.

Thurs my left leg was ultra sounded to check vascular health. A blood clot was discovered. The tech observed the clot might be chronic. Previously a clot was found. The anti coagulant meds are to prevent clots and the body will dissolve the clot. Doesn’t appear the body breaks down the clot, or worse, my body keeps creating a new on. I have experienced a pulmonary embolism.

Today is Monday, may the weekenders have gone back to work emptying anchor spots out at Phils. Forecast today is for 90′. Will be warm here at Phils.

My sink water tank holds 7 gallons, I fill a 2 1/2 gal bucket from the sink drain. That water lasts 2 days as does my 2 gal drinking water jug. I replenish every 2 days. I buy groceries at refill time. I defrosted my fridge yesterday.

Next Monday marks 14 years of my living on the road.

Off to Phils and weak internet signal.

Clean clothes day

Thursday, the day I will have clean underwear for the coming week. Liners also.

Still here in Bend. Way more RV campers including many many vans yet the trails are not congested or much of an issue of sharing. Take away is about 50:50 practice sharing trail love.

Tues I rode up river from anchor spot off rd 41 on Catch and Release to its end at bottom of Tylers Traverse.. Afternoon Delight trail continues towards Sun River. This is a newer trail, 4.2 miles, mostly paralleling rd 41. Added Round About loop then returned on Afternoon. Cloudy skies that teased with sprinkles, never enough or serious enough to don rain coat that I carried. Computer glitched not recording all ride data, still it was an almost 3 hour 20 mile ride.

Riding loaner rear wheel with not I9 Hydra hub engagement, I am riding my bike. However, the huge amount of crank rotation before wheel is engaged eliminates ratchet pedaling over tech moves has curtailed that kind of trail. Afternoon is an easier trail for this wheel.

The place where I stay off rd 41 is almost on Catch and Release. I sometimes sit outside maybe reading and watching for riders passing by. I wave at them, some wave back. One rider rode over to me, it was Joe, a local riding a Revel  either Rascal or Ranger, I missed checking which. Joe formerly rode a Turner RFX like me, and like me updated to a Revel. He, Joe from Flag, my insurance agent, and me parted with our RFXs moving to a Revel. Only local Joe moved to 29er. Just info.

UPS tracking puts my wheel out for delivery to I9 in Asheville, NC today. They quote 5 to 7 business days for turnaround. Then another week shipping back to me here in Bend.

Life continues. Life distilled down to basics of taking care of myself. I have visited only 1 dinner out establishment and that was 10 Barrel since my arrival. COVID concern. $ is concern. Scoring a desirable sleep spot is great concern because of the increased number of campers. I arrive at a site maybe mid afternoon, as day passes I observe others passing me looking for their spot. So far nobody has camped on my bumper.

SO enjoying smooth transmission. Today the wheel will be balanced which I hope will eliminate some vibrations. Diesel is still $6xx / gal, even at 25 mpg I stay here lessening distance driving.

July 8 marks the end of 14 years of living this lifestyle.

Yesterday I rode from camp spot past Phils. Logging operations close trails during the week, closure determines route choices. I record my rides in Backcountry Navigator. I rode lower Phils for first time in years to record its track. Powers that are made this part of Phils as directional downhill and Bens as an uphill trail that eliminated rider conflict. Makes for a down low directional loop.

Reading Liarmouth, John Waters novel. He of Pink Flamingoes fame.