More same ol same ol Hurkin

Weather conditions are some of the same ol: sunny all day, windy depends upon location and velocity, trails, living, what I need is pretty much figured out where to have that need met. Desert riding, sight lines go for miles.

The Hurricane Cliff trails are mostly pedaling with infrequent full suspension smoothing out. However, the base tread is pock marked with cast in cow hoof prints making for micro chatter. I called the BLM office recently, range manager returned call, he said cows out here are per contract. I wondered what the cows eat, he said the cows match the forage.


Dead Ringer is a climbing trail up to upper JEM TH. Upper part is bench cut on steep hill side, have to manage exposure.

piece of Dead Ringer, bench cut

Yesterday I rode to end of JEM trail which winds above several canyon rims and the Virgin River. Infrequent gusts partially deflected my balance. Places the distance from the out slope to the precipice was very short. Quentin said 2 bikes but no riders had gone over the edge.

Lower JEM runs along canyon lip, Virgin river

Rider’s perspective of sight line

perspective on JEM, 2 riders out there.

Sun is low angle

afternoon light


Familiarity is settling in that past experience recalls effort. Riding these Hurkin cliffs trails is comfort. I did expand my usual rides with riding a piece of the rim trail I hadn’t ridden this year leading to climbing out in China Wash that I only pushed my bike up long time ago. Then yesterday a newly built piece, Carne Asada, which is a directional trail, to be above that lower piece of the JEM. I am judging my ride by how much effort will be needed. Two hours is a good pedal time. I find if I focus on the time spent out and not by how quickly I can complete the ride, my ride is more enjoyable. Still a 2 hr 45 min pedal is big. Yesterday I finished my ride by riding pavement back to van out at corral. Maybe 1 1/2 miles of flat road pedaling: road riding. I struggled to spin the entire length.

My sister, Lynn, visited the Pisgah earlier this fall, She stopped at The Hub, my home base when I was there over the years, she sent me 3 pairs of Pisgah socks. Cool.

A day later

Yesterday I  rode Barrel Roll etc, watched the Zags beat Kentucky, then camped at Quail.

Back stories are the devil’s details. Van parked with nose away from sunrise, positioned for afternoon sunshine to shine thru windshield now falling on my computer screen, I hung the window coverings so I could read this screen.

Back at it. Drove down to Santa Clara Preserve home of what I call collectively Barrel Roll. I parked down at the bottom of the Cove access trail, this time my pack was on my back. Grunt pedal right off the get go, 1.17 miles climbing 361′ took 15 mins, return at the end was just 6 mins of almost all coasting. At the TH I pedaled Precipice which climbs more with an introduction of tech problems to junction with Barrel Roll and Sidewinder, which is an up then back down, then join Barrel Roll for its loop back to TH, then down Cove. This is my I solved a ride route that I repeat. I continue to work the problems and gaining confidence. I am realizing that these moves are at slower than walking speed and require track stand balance and commitment to forward motion. Fall potential increases, seems these falls are the more damaging, injury risk increases which is lessening my confidence. Safer to bail and walk. But on the downhill the bike and I let gravity provide the speed. However, the down hills work my body while controlling direction. Today my upper body is chirping about yesterday. A sunny, slight breeze, 40 degree day was pleasant.

Several days ago I searched for sports pub nearby, found this one in Washington. I called seeking confirmation they would have Zags game on. Score, know where I will be Sun at 5:30. I built my day to that time. I drove to that sports bar, passing Chilis where years ago I watched Zags. I wanted the non chain establishment. As I turned onto the local bar street to see nary a car. WTF??? Sunday, closed. The person who spoke with me and I did not state Sunday or if I did she did not register that they would be closed. Shit. Turned around to drive back to Chilis which might be a long shot as they are not advertised as a sports bar. Score, TVs behind the bar. My panic to see the game was received with skill as a guy turned the TV to the game. Whew. Watched the game with focus, during timeouts I struck up a conversation with the young female bartender. Along the conversation I asked her education: she said masters in Behavior something. I fit in. Zags skillfully beat Kentucky who defended Timme less effectively than Texas. Dark drive back to Quail, scored previous spot.

Now it is late afternoon Monday, an imposed rest day. I enjoyed the wonderful weather hiking Boy Scout trails. These trails are built to be similar to the mesa trails. Hiking required proper foot placement. Years ago I rode and walked what I chose to, today, I lack the confidence to tackle them, See above about slow speed.

Past: On Sat I rode Hurkin cliffs a big loop, from anchor spot at corral. Pedal out upper Goulds to highway crossing to JEM TH. Last year on this trail I saw earth moving construction to create a water impoundment. This year their construction was validated by holding water.

BLM created impoundment for grazing desert cows

That water would have flowed downhill, instead it is trapped cutting off downstream. Today cattle is grazed here, even today with no edible forage for cows look at pic.. BLM spent public $ to benefit 1 rancher cattle grazing and to the detriment of wildlife.

Sat I visited OTE. I asked if I could squirt off the dried Moab mud off my bike. Short story the shop assigned a grom to wash my bike. They did it as a courtesy to me and the grom needed a task. My bike was so well cleaned it looked almost new. I thanked all for work. The frame actually shines.

Grom cleaned bike

This week’s temps are forecast for 50s. Afternoon chill coming on at 4:28, temp is 57 in the sunshine per outside van temp sensor. The side door is open to air cooler than recorded. I shut the door.

Riding seems to come down to 3 things: skill acquisition, application of said skill, and the actual commitment. I am lacking commitment.



Sunday morning going down

Many years ago I clipped this pancake recipe from Spokane newspaper, a scratch made epicurean delight and not too much of a mess to clean up. I make a batch every Sunday morning. Back when I lived in Spokane I would add foraged huckleberries, now I use store bought wild blueberries.

sunday scratch pancakes

Starts the day off.

Time moves on as it passes me by. I make excuses for not writing. I am adverse to effort beyond attending to my basic needs of food, shelter, safety, and riding. Weather conditions here in Hurkin environs have been chilly and windy. I have been mixing my rides of pedal trails with tech chunder for variation and achievement. The Hurricane cliff trails such as JEM, Crypto, and Dead Ringer, are pedal trails for achievement being able to ride almost everything.

Dead Ringer

Mix in Lakeside between Hurkin and Santa Clara for greater challenges on lesser ridden trail with lots of potential ground falls.

Lakeside trail
Quail Creek Lake from Lakeside trail

Then drop in elevation and usually less wind affected Santa Clara and Barrel Roll etc.

Pine Valley Mountains looking north.

And there is this denizen of the desert, if avoided life is much better.

cholla cactus, pine valley mtns back

20 degrees outside in the dark, low 50s inside with heater running. When I parked my van with the back aimed at the upcoming sunrise, the solar gain warms the back end and the thermostat is located just inside the rear doors. The gain tells the thermostat that a;; is warm inside while the front is chilly and not sun affected. Last night I parked at Quail Lake camp sites positioning the rear away from the sun and sun coming in the driver’s window, I was warmed this AM for above pancakes.

So, I am warm now, breakfast has been eaten and cleaned up. 48 degrees, almost 11 AM. Time to put this aside for today’s ride down at Barrel Roll. I will pick up later after ride and before Zag /Kentucky game at 5:30 this afternoon.