Ho Ho Ho

Monday 7:30 AM PT session established that my left elbow pain is coming from my forearm where several muscles congregate that have become irritated. Taught treatment by PT that I have been performing. Of course, resting will cure. I’m sort of nibbling between the 2, well, the resting part. Also have been riding less tech chunder trails calling it resting. Celebrated known cause by riding Prospector Church Rocks loop, did have fewer speed altering features. But then again maybe just riding is the source. I could be kidding myself by pedaling smoother trails? Then the Garmin algorithm computes recovery time that I regularly disregard by riding before time’s up. Then temps have been just 40, did start in 35 degrees, sunshine solar gain, little wind. Still winter jersey, knickers and knee socks, even helmet hat. Don’t see my breath.

Church Rocks

Trail runs length of flat out at the edge a ways.

On sunny days the above is the norm. Just same ol same ol.

Monday eve other campers chose the Quail Lake spot. Wake up temp like 23, inside 49 degrees.

Tues I moved up onto the Hurricane cliffs anchoring at coral. 3966′. Just a pullout on dirt road.  Evening light shines on Gooseberry and a shorter mesa.

Gooseberry to left, mesa trail on the right up on edge, rock strata.

I learned of a trail on that mesa, I previously posted a pic from up these looking down to where I am. I have ridden it 2X. The first was before the freeze, then next was after. Frost heaves dirt up even with no visible water. Post frost dirt is “fluffy” soft making for a slower ride with increased effort.

I rode down Chinatown wash then the Cliffs trail back.

Down Chinatown wash

Yesterday I parked at Sheep Bridge rd highway intersection. Sunny and warm inside, not so warm outside. Today was a wool t-shirt under a medium weight wool jersey, still knickers but no helmet hat. Pedaled up Dead Ringer on rolled hard tread, no freeze thaw, up towards top trail is shaded allowing snow to remain. I descended JEM. At the steep descent I walked as I perceived slippery. It was rideable. At the turn landing the mud was frozen and I rode it. I rode JEM to its end. Down the ways the last piece of the JEM is one way going my way with Carne Asada the return climb.  I see this making sense to avoid rider conflict on the to the edge narrow tread as too narrow to pass on. On Carne a short piece climbed, was shaded still holding snow, sunshine warmed a piece maybe 5’long, freeze thaw mud thawed. My front wheel did not make a full revolution before it picked up enough mud to jam between the fork legs stopping me. I lifted the bike onto outslope and scraped off blocking mud. Both tires were plugged. Trail continued climbing, me working above hard lessening as mud slowly lost its grip.

Burning about a gallon of propane per day. From about 10 to 3 the sun warms me. Camper batteries are not being overfilled by the solar panel. I stayed for 2 days here at the corral, 1 day was cloudy, I ran the engine for 30 mins after dark to add energy to the batteries for the night. Seems if I drive some minutes during the day added to solar collection my batteries remain charged.

I am waiting for my mail to arrive before leaving here for warm Sedona. Coordinating delivery with location requires a commitment then living with plan.

32 degrees at 3966′ at 8:44 PM outside. Heater running inside, living room is chilly.

I have tinnitus: constant ringing in both ears.

Ho HO Ho Pagan.


Okay Okay…. Okay

But first I researched the subject’s definition. The word has an ill educated slam connotation from 1840 presidential election. Back then the education system was not as extensive nor required like today. It might have applied to voters of the times. However, today with present education system providing education to those that accept the knowledge does not explain why so many Georgia voters voted for that box of rocks.

So, Okay, I will create this blog. I was always told that if I had nothing of value to say, keep quiet, suppose it applies to writing this also.

Big news: van serviced on Tues for oil change and a check up. Learned drive belt has cracks, replace it I said. Other wise van’s health keeps me moving forward.

Wet event dumped less than an inch of snow that slightly above freezing temp during the day melted the white away, but below freezing under no sun exposure, the melt became crystal which repeated the cycle the next solar cycle. Freeze / thaw mud. On Wed I rode Church Rocks which is sand that was firm but not frozen. Windy, sunshine, 40 degrees. I was outside and pedaling. Many other riders enjoying conditions but never plugged the trail. No pics.

Been staying at Quail lake primitive spot as it is warmer at 29xx’ vs 39xx’ up at the corral.

My left elbow joins other body parts with issues. I scored a DR appointment for today and received a PT referral then a PT appointment this Mon at 7AM. My elbow adversely affects riding.

Last 2 days I hiked some of the Boy Scout trails here. Way harder than my engine and ability can match to ride.

My anchor spot catches sun’s warmth until late afternoon, heat replaced by chill. Heater keeps the bedroom comfortable for sleeping while the living room I need a sweater.

Low energy level.

Nose out of book

Getting lost in a novel means I am not messing with my life. I immerse myself in the book which gives me the excuse to do just 1 thing at a time which is reading. Presently I’m reading Kingsolver’s new work, Demon Copperhead. Being immersed reading the character’s life which is in stark contrast to my childhood. John Irving in Hotel New Hampshire wrote “all families are dysfunctional” ( memory correct?). Each of us are shaped by our experiences which cause our current actions. My dad was a reader, I read as a kid. That kid has way different experiences.

Anyway, so evenings have been spent exercising my eyes and not my connected fingers.

Still here in Hurricane Valley, Hurkin to local dialect. Wet weather event forecasted staring today, some rain maybe snow, none the less precip wetting desert dirt that here has much clay that will become puddy sticking to tires and shoes etc. Yesterday I might have ridden the last of the Hurricane Cliffs trails if forecast dumps. I parked down low on Sheep Bridge rd then pedaled up Dead Ringer

Dead ringer , riders, from mesa

Trail ends at upper JEM TH, my high point. On this trail there is a nasty descent rated black difficulty. First part is on pavers, rock slabs placed on the ground for tread which offers traction and eliminates brake drag ruts. The pavers stop right at the landing for a sharp left hand turn. This piece is sun shaded. A skiff of snow fell on Wed, temp was below freezing last night, trail was still in shade. The landing was greasy from freeze thaw mud which never occurred to me to be present. My speed was checked before I hit the dirt. One track preceded me showing me the rider’s slippery slide descent. No traction, I slithered onto the exposed crib wall rock and wrangled my bike down to the flat before the bottom out. Sheesh. Tires were mud caked adding many pounds to my work effort. Nasty mud and more coming with temps below freezing at night to turn the upper trails just slimy. Once I got out of the wash the trails were all wet firmed. Cows are ranged here. One walked across optimistically named Dead Ringer trail:

cow print pockets

See no print on trail tread: rolled firm. First year these trails were completed cows walked on the trail leaving the depressions that still to this day remain albeit rolled over.

Finished 16.1 mile, climbing 1207′ pedaling for 2 hrs 8 mins, average heart rate of 123, ride then drove down to town. Forecast again is calling for wet. I need to position myself to weather conditions. I needed coffee beans, water and groceries, and a firm spot to anchor on. The primitive spots at Quail Lake are graveled and the dirt rd appears to be firm. Which is where I am. Van nose is pointed SW into the incoming weather which appears to be as forecasted. The early morning sunshine and solar energy has long been covered. I’ll run the engine later today for 30 mins to charge the batteries for the night. 11.6 volts at 12:38 solar gain but needing more for the night. I estimated sufficient propane till tomorrow, tank will be filled prolly in the rain.

So, here for the day and my book is closed.

I learned of a new trail which is on a mesa above Goulds and at same elevation as upper JEM TH. Fri I rode from anchor spot near the corral on Goulds to where I saw an unmarked trail leading away. This must be the start. For several years I saw this track but never took it. Today I took it. The trail winds the perimeter of the mesa mostly, about 4 miles long, hand built almost with a stiff push broom, little climbing. Then rejoins Goulds at a wash.


mesa, corral, van, Goulds

Thursday was a busy day as it was wash day and at 11 I had an appointment in ST George to have new stickers stuck on my van. I anchored at Quail which is between Hurkin and St George to shorten my drive. 2 laundromats are on the way. I left early enough to make clean clothes, even shopping at Natural Grocers. Made the install appointment early. The installer had the necessary equipment to strip the old stickers and adhesive, I would not have been able to do what he did. So, replace stickers are all shiny and whole.

New stickers.

The bike is the same Turner 5 Spot, DW link, 26″ wheels, 3X10. The one on the right lacked a seat dropper.

I rode some Santa Clara trails as I was able to match my ride desire to trails. I rode the loop then looked at bike computer screen: not quite an hour. Too short, I repeated short Barrel Roll loop.

Barrel roll, Pine valley mtns snow topped

I am pointed on a cut through trail across belly of Barrel Roll. Bail trail.

Gotta break to relocate to a more preferred anchor spot recently vacated. Was occupied last night. Guy left. Spot is like below grade which blocks long distance view, I now am short range. Plus out of sight of highway. Sprinkles.

Odyssey to date: 2949 rides covering 42,635 miles. Well used body. My left elbow has been sending unhappy signals lately that I will schedule PT for. I need to score a DR appointment for a referral then score the PT. My knees hurt. My right TMJ is degenerative. I rode 3 days straight, after yesterday’s ride the bike computer algorithm computes 41 hr recovery. Today is planned rest day. Monday will prolly be one because of weather.

Zags have won 2 straight however, ranked 18th, down from preseason #2.