White over red

Then the mercury climbed melting away the white exposing the puddles and wet red dirt. No riding for several more drying days.

Mon drove up to Sedona staging for Tues 8AM van service appointment. Visited with Doug and Leia till bed time. Short drive, only blocks long to garage. I parked nose in a spot facing the service advisor’s desk window, blinds closed. I waited to be summoned till 9 then I walked in. She said I was to announce myself, I assumed my presence and an appointment would have served notice. Not so. Short story: the part had not been ordered but I was not contacted to reschedule. I did score a wrench to test drive in falling snow not sticking to pavement. He was not familiar with releasing the parking brake, strike 1. He drove it with a heavy foot, strike 2. Strike 3 he said it runs alright. Which is does not. Driving back down to VOC the temp gauge indicated below normal. Dunno. Sound seems like a blower motor. No check engine control light lit. Learned that turbo runs all the time, if failing performance would be worse than driving an air cooled VW bus that I know about having owned one that I drove round trip from Ohio to WA back in ’78 to start my PCT thru hike. A code would be registered. I wonder if fan belt is spinning  something unhappy. I expanded my search for repair shops. Found 1 in Prescott that works on, guy said, 95% of Sprinters in area. First appointment is 2/5. Tomorrow I visit Anderson who has worked on my van successfully previously, shop is an experience.

Full time on the road has its challenges. Finding solutions.

Yesterday while at Thunder Mtn for a visit I visited with Bob, an older mtn biker, whom we have visited with prior. I asked him his age, 80 he said. I asked about his health. He said he had artery blocking clots that were repaired which eliminated his shortness of breath. I am interested in age affected activity comparing my effort to like aged men.

I drove out to cultural park to pass time before afternoon PT session on my tennis elbow. I put on my hiking shoes in anticipation of a hike on Roundabout trail. Right from the beginning the dirt was too soft for foot steps, stuck to short paved loop.

Back out to Beaverhead overlook pavement for night. Scored preferred spot. Changed back to walking shoes and walked the highway to check out the 2 side roads. Each was a muddy mess. The wash coursing thru the first rd spot was running underneath the highway. Suspect its flow affected a crossing further in but the mud was sticking to my shoes deciding me to turn out. The other spot on the left was just as muddy. Mud stuck to my shoes. No way even walking on desert was firm. Froze overnight, I thought ahead and lifted my wipers off the windshield. Heater kept me comfortable. After sunrise I saw the white Nissan parked, we are competing for spot. Who gets there first scores. I will be there again tonight.

Hanging at outlet mall paved parking lot where my jetpack receives a strong internet signal.

I set aside Irving’s book for Pulitzer prize winning “A confederacy of Dunces” which reads easier yet very absurd.

I have learned for 2 sources that Bike and Bean is under new ownership.

The air control module’s price is $1,100.

Cold and Raw

Desserts lack moisture. When rain comes, as it sometimes does, duh? Where is sunshine and dry trails? Forecast is calling for a series of storms rolling over the area dropping moisture and blotting out the sunshine. Chilly and wet.

Nice days have been intermixed. I have been riding with Doug recently out at Western Gateway trail. Friday was our last before weather change. We both have an understanding of trails out there that we use to determine our rides.

Doug, Cockscomb

That ride was 11.4 miles climbing 1148′ pedaling for 1 hr 46 mins. Doug is 55, I’m spotting him 18 years, he just pedals away from me.

Thurs was eye exam with dilation which as you know blurs vision and requires dark glasses to protect the wide open eyes. I drove up to Sedona to do wash, I was able to successfully slide required 25 cent pieces into the slot on the washing machine. However, my vision never cleared satisfactorily to ride: I could see basketball size rocks, but the size I really needed to see were baseball size. Eyes are healthy and do not require a new prescription.

Clean clothes stowed in 1 drawer dresser I headed back down to VOC. As I drove away the van started making a noise like a blower when under load and through upshifting. Something is wrong. Made it to where I was going. It continues to run and this new issue needs to be addressed. Might it be the transmission? I called shop in Bend for info. Casey researched repair ships, one of which is the shop I have been using. Tues I return for the air control module to be replaced and for their evaluation of current issue.

I have been staying at Doug’s on Mondays staged for Tues repair date. The first was for the heater, the second for the engine control light, this one for noise. Yes, problems do occur, however, I have fix it shops here. It is good to have connections around the country.

Sat was FS volunteer trail work day. FS has 14 seasonal trail people, just 2 returnees, volunteers numbered more than them. We worked out of Yavapai TH. I used my own loppers, first time, and wore my new REI trail pants. Dirt was wet making for good packing.

Zags played at 8PM. Dinner salad at Colt then put off entering PJs till just before game time as the bar was celebrating their birthday. Raucous house band hammered my ears. I eventually scored a bar seat under a TV to watch the blow out. So much more enjoyable when they win. I sat beside a guy drinking his beer from a mid sized pitcher. I said hello, he said Hi, he remembered my green Sprinter.. Name is Sponge Bob. I remembered him and he living to his name sake that he would not recall. I could not compete with the band volume.

Since learning I have a gluten intolerance and also SIBO my food choices have become limited. I eat the same foods everyday everyday. Dinner is chicken thighs, broccoli, carrot, Quinoa and whatever spice and or herbs I select. One skillet prep. Taste is different each time because I make new combinations or omissions. Never bored and most times filled up.

One pot plate dinner.

Clean up is straight forward.

Reading John Irving’s A Prayer for Owen Meany, only 625 pages.

Chilly and intermittent showers with heater on parked at outlet mall for daylight. Then return to overlook for night. Too wet to ride or drive on dirt.

January 11, Tennis Elbow

Jan 11 in high desert, no snow and maybe described as chilly. Yesterday Doug and I rode out Western Gateway trails, cloudy but only mid weight wool top. I can be where I want to be when i want to be there. Just my remarking how wonderful it is to be here instead being at places with nasty weather. Some clothing company says something to the effect that enjoyment is a function of proper gear. I don’t need insulated booties or heavy duty rain jackets as I just move from conditions requiring that gear. However, I have hunkered down short term at a place waiting for bad weather to return to normal. It’s just Jan 11 and my pale white flesh is exposed to sunshine.

Friday driving from town to sleep spot the check engine control light turned on. Panic WTF? Whatever system that fed to master computer was unhappy, just a warning, not failure which I learned is a flashing light. None the less I fear being left sit somewhere a require tow. I called one shop in Sedona after hours and could only leave a message. I spent the night at the paved overlook for easy access to tow if needed. I did not want to drive until the issue was understood so i planned on staying another night… until I checked propane level that revealed needing immediate refill. OK I will learn van’s health. As I drove back to VOC the light extinguished. Maybe life is better. Propane  had .3 gals remaining. No ride today, I hiked above VOC. I drove back to Beaverhead with light not on.

Sun I returned to VOC, parked at outlet mall for a ride. I am riding first time this winter trails so there are lots of choices. Today I rode a Rabbit Ears loop. Several years ago the FS made trails system trails that are more rideable than old social trails. An old social trail was a realization of efficacy of Diaz’s RUNT. I was almost run over by 4 female riders having a different idea of yielding to uphill pedalers.

Rabbit ears

Light remained unlit.

Mon morn the repair shop called per my voice mail. Scored an appointment for Tues. at 8. I met Doug for an afternoon ride from Sunset Park of Old Post, Skywalker, Scorpion, and Sketch plus connectors. Overcast skies. Doug is more skilled than me and is way faster. Over on Scorpion, formerly Special ED when it was a social trail, has several basalt rock gardens. I have a  tendency to pick my way between the rocks but after short glimpses of Doug’s lines, albeit a niner, over rocks letting the bike travel on top of the protruding rocks. Yes, the bike’s design favors this choice and the carbon rims withstand the impacts so I have been choosing the high versus the picking. I pointed out where I crashed last year. Sketch is a handful because of exposure and sketchy tread. I still walk spots.

I asked to sleep at Doug’s place which is just up the street from the garage. Leia and I combined to make dinner. I get to affectionate their dog Swift and leave behind shed white hair.

Tues AM I arrived at shop just before opening. I watched rigs entering and leaving service bays but not me. I waited and hour then voiced my dissatisfaction. Shortly a yech walked out to me and van. He hooked up the diag computer and downloaded stored info. Several codes were stored and several were cleared. History. The brain is capable of self correcting and leaves tracks. Data transmission takes time. No engine issues, just the auto temp control errored. He switched the control dial which just happened to fail. Fortunately the selector was on defrost and the fan works only on high. Garage scheduled next Tues to replace this module.

I met Doug out at former Cultural Park now owned by city to ride the collective Western Gateway trails. I am becoming more comfortable with my riding ability to body english turns, carving. Improving lifting front for step ups. Our ride was 15.1 miles climbing 1378′ pedaling for 2 hrs 14 mins. Rides are getting longer and harder, my engine weakens as the miles increase.

Forecast for last night was for precip meaning no dirt sleep spot, I needed to score an overlook spot that can be busy. I wanted to be there ahead of evening crowd to score my preferred spot. Previous pass by drives I saw a maybe Nissan white van parked where I wanted to be, Just before the drive in a van sim to what I saw turned in ahead of me. Curses, he would get the spot. I followed him in, he turned around and me right behind. Huh” he did not stop. I scored the spot in anticipation of precip. Nears as I could remember there was a fierce blast of wind and a few sprinkles and that as it. I could have been in the desert.

Oh, and the Tennis Elbow. I was measured by a new PT provider who told me my arm problem is known as tennis elbow. She gave me a stretch and asked for many future treatments. Eric works there also who has been my past fixer is booked out. I was able to visit during his lunch break.

Doug and Leia’s airnb is in Sedona. For the last 2 Monday nights it has been chosen because of a critical problem. Last week it was the heater: urgent. Last Mon was less urgent van health, this next Mon it is necessary but not urgent.

Sedona is a repair station for me as i have made local connections. I am able to attend to whatever.

I was told Bike and Bean has a new owner.

Today I am resting. I drove down to Camp Verde to visit Mike at his new digs. He’s  no longer a book store, just Uhaul. We enjoy each other’s company, however, the new location is not on my way to anywhere I want to go. Will miss out on my frequent visits when I was in Sedona.