If it ain’t rain, it’s snow

Festival weekend, precip event for visitors. Feb left like a lion prepping March’s lion entrance. Today’s forecast calls for several inches of snow later today and into evening, next day is sunny and upper 40s. Snow has short shelf life here, however its cycle is completed as wet dirt. Patience.

Doug, Leia, Swift the dog, and I hiked out Mescal area Monday noon enjoying sunshine and just sweater layer. We hiked a mix of system trails and cross country. The system trails had muddy spots that we left shallow prints on. We encountered 2 mtn bikers slithering along leaving a continuous track over our spaced foot prints. Hiker feet leave notice which seems to be more acceptable than mtn bike track. Traces will be worn and weathered away after maybe a week of nice weather and travelers.

Aging is accepting you are no longer the tail wagging the dog. Younger people have problems we say. Memory recall when our parents did their thing to us. We have become our parents. Those younger people: when will they behave as we expect them to be like us?

Read an article on aging grouped by generation name and age range. Age 72 up is named Silent Generation. Stating that us Boomers are silent?

Spent $107 for propane last month, its energy fuels the refrigerator which is always running, the 2 burner strove used for cooking Bfast and dinner, and during the cold the heater. March will be less as increasing temps and longer sunny days for solar gain. During the cold I burn just  about a gallon a day. I refilled 7 times. Tank holds 5.6 gal when empty. Yesterday was nice, the forecast for today is for chilly, windy, rain turning to snow. I considered the effect of nasty weather on the yard attendant filling my tank today when refill would have been needed in nasty weather.

PT on my tennis elbow is ameliorating pain and regaining strength. Yesterday was CT of my heart to learn conditions of arteries feeding it. I read the recent blood cholesterol values, my total is 5 points above normal, the ratio of HDL to good is  3.5, the number the better, 3.19 considered very good. Studied blood pressure figuring that condition is “isolated systemic hypertension” which cause lightheadedness after light activity. This seems to fit my riding as I become winded shortly after starting but a time goes on shortness is replaced by normal panting. Hence why I prefer to not stop. It’s true, I read it on the web.

So, just hanging inside warmer than outside comfort(?) inside my van parked at Cultural Park, quartering wind pushing the right nose of van, sprinkles on the windshield are not head on. Heat temperature drops the further away from the outlet. The study is chilly while the kitchen is pleasant. Heat loss too great for 6,500btu heater.

Anyway, what will be will be. May trails dry quickly.


Yesterday under clear skies but forecast wanted precip. Undaunted I rode with Ian down to join Jimmy and Christine to ride some of the BCT from Mayer. Skies were not threatening, temp was short sleeve but a brisk win from the S greeted us. Plan was to hit the BCT from the tank down low as an out and back, essentially doing the same ride but from N to S then return. 2 trucks and a straight road shot down to the tank started wheels literally turning to a shuttle ride from on top down to tank then continue S till we had enough then retrace back to shuttle ride at the tank. Descending into the wind wind gusting into the 20s was like pedaling uphill. And pedaling uphill was like the pitch steepened.

BCT piece

We arrived at the tank and Ian’s truck. Desire to ride overwhelmed the temptation of the truck ride back to the top. We continued S into the wind as the trail wound in and out of wind protection of side canyons. Riding out and back is character building as you can turn around whenever: what you coasted down would be climbed going back. Strong wind pedaling uphill. Our relief was wind would be pushing us back on uphills. As seen the sky was blue and later cloudless. Weather forecast called for snow storm later. We completed our ride, tailgate story telling, dinner at restaurant outside of Mayer, the drive back to VOC, watching Zags beat St Mary’s for pay back of them beating Zags on their home court, and me shutting off the lights at 11PM in VOC in Mike’s driveway. Clear skies and stars. About 1AM I heard the psst of moisture hitting the roof of my van. I woke around 5AM to see white on windshield. Back snuggled under covers to slide out at 6:30 and see what fell: about 3″ of snow on windshield. Snow was heavier than opening mechanism of roof fan. Forecast came to be.  Snow continued to fall off and on during the morning with temps in upper 30s. No riding today.

Our BCT ride was 14.4 miles descending 1706, climbing 925′. The BCT is a pedaling trail. It can be a go to ride for when other places are unfavorable.

Sat glued to bar stool at PJs watching thrilling Zags play arch rival ST Mary’s game. Zag’s won.

Thurs was laundry day. Warren from the van repair shop called me scheduling wise after clean clothes put away saying that his calendar read work on my van. I dropped my van off leaving his repair unknown. Over time he and his son have earned my trust, it will be what he figures out. Doug, Leia, dog Swift, and I went f a hike in Carroll canyon area as it dries faster because of its southern exposure. All the while I am waiting for Warren’s call with whatever news he would give. Doug dropped me off at his alley back to his shop. I saw my van parked outside to indicate either complete or whatever but drivable as I was concerned he would keep it overnight and I might have to sleep in his shop. Good news: cause of stumble identified and fixed. He accessed a port to see the flex plate to see a tooth had been bent during trans install. The tooth was straightened and the original sensors were reinstalled. Van runs without any stored codes: fixed. I called the Bend install shop with his assessment, perhaps they will make me whole. A major stress in my life is in the rearview mirror.

Fri I drove down to Cottonwood savoring the well running van for an MRI of my brain. 30 mins in a tube being hammered by loud percussive noises and 2 IV pokes for contrast. Results forthcoming.

I returned to Cultural park to join Doug for a ride. Dry Creek is running at trail crossings high enough to jeopardize dry feet so we rode system trails to not cross the creek. At 1 place the trail crosses the creek back and forth. A social trail stayed on our side of the creek which avoided crossing. We watched 2 bike patrol riders dropping rocks for their dry feet crossing. Doug is so much faster than me, I arrive at a rest stop panting while he is smiling. 11.4 miles climbing 1165′ for 100′ / mile of trail.

Thunder MTN

I called Revel about rear axle. Learned suggested torque value is 13 to 18 NM. I had been tightening to 18 which is almost more than multitool can turn open. They are sending me a new axle. Guy I spoke with met me at Durango Cycles which is next door to Diaz Suspension Service, home of the RUNT.

So, I will finish out the day down here again sleeping in Mike’s side drive. Tomorrow back up to Sedona for a PT session on my left arm.

Sedona Mountain Bike Festival is this weekend. Weather forecast is not for sunny weather during the week. Wet trails for the visitors. Freehub will be down here to show Bike town film.

Jimmy told me he likes reading my blog as it distracts him from things he can not change.

This morning I made fresh tracks on 2+ inches of snow on the outlet mall parking lot. Now pavement is melted dry. Graupel is falling now. Clouds block my solar panel although the controller shows solar gain. Prolly snow still covers the panel.

In Between

Wet events. Last week was mix of freeze thaw days and sunshine. This week wet events again. Trails are better up in W Sedona.

Doug and I have been riding together. He has a better understanding of connecting social and system trails which is fine for me as really need just one navigator and 1 follower. Carroll canyon area trails face sunshine for dry tread.

piece of Carroll canyon
Thunder mtn from old post

Doug, Leia, dog Swift, and I have mixed in hiking days.

Last Frontier trail piece here is a reroute of social  version. There is exposure on  trails. Find and follow the tread across the cliff face.

Last Frontier carved on cliff face, Dry Creek below

My van health is still suspect. The check engine control light turned on last week and remained on for several days then turned off. Engine runs, I suspect not at full health. My health is also in need of understanding and repair. I scored an appointment with my primary DR up in Flag that is a climbing drive up from here at 4,500′ to Flag’s 7,000′. I made a rental car reservation instead of driving but I talked myself out of it and drove the canyon up. Van performed w/o light turning on. Local shop believes stumble is caused by flex plate which requires dropping the transmission, however, the shop is working through rigs ahead of me.

Yesterday Doug and I squeezed in a ride before weather change that appeared to catch us before ride completion. We ride away from Cultural Park away from weather. We kept a weather eye, we reached the furthest point of our ride then turned back into the weather. Looked serious and the forecast supported our concern. We got caught in a weather hole, different from a sucker hole in that weather hit with wind and sprinkles then quit, clouds leaving exposing blue skies. I pedaled for 1 hr 48 mins climbing’ over  miles with average heart rate of 117 so the weather decision was ok.

Portend, Mescal

I have stayed in Sedona driveway for a week as I deem the desert too wet to drive on. Forecast for near future is for rain and snow but above freezing temps. It is what it is and adjustments are made. Doug and Leia were joking about my payment of their driveway was to fix dinner. They were joshing but I accepted the opportunity and fixed a skillet dinner last night we shared.

Yesterday’s ride took us 3 times across flowing Dry Creek that covered some of the stepping stones. I managed to keep my shoes dry. We stopped at one place. At pedal start is noticed a pedal strike rock that my left pedal would hit as I was mounting my bike. I knew my pedal would strike the rock which would result in a fall. Shit, that’s what happened. I ended up entwined in my bike. Doug rescued my by separating the 2 of us. I have 3 band aids on my right leg and 2 on the left to staunch blood flow. I recognized the prospect of falling but carried on. Dumber and dumber.

At present here in Sedona winds have been gusting rocking my van and the keyboard. Latest gust was 44mph. Thurs night forecast is for  to 2″ of snow.

Last week I sat in a barber’s chair for a neatening up. I now look well groomed, just over the edge of acceptance.