86 degrees, shorts, sunburn

Yesterday and so far today the temp hit 86. Early summer? It is desert after all. Wore short top here for first time, Yesterday I hooked a dead tree branch on my right forearm letting free enough blood that I stopped and put a large band-aid over the openings that staunched the blood. Pretty sight of bright red blood running down into my glove. A spritz from hydration bladder washed the overflow.

I rode out western gateway trails crossing flowing Dry Creek over and back. I rode down Axis needing 9 mins down versus over 20 climbing out. My skull at the extraction site still sends hurt signal at every sharp jolt. Down Axis, connect stepping stoned across creek, climbing out walking on steeps to Bolo, turn left on Last Frontier riding legacy trail and FS rerouted piece hung on steep side hill.

Dry creek below, Mingus back, Outer limits trail down, from Last Frontier
Outer limits, Revel Rail

Descended Rover down to Rupp. Comment about Rover that I shared w/ FS route maker when I helped build it: No imagination, has longest climb in whole system. Descend legacy Rupp to the creek and figured course of stepping stones to Keep my feet dry. There were some moves. But shit, the last rock about 10″ from bank I trusted a placed rock without testing it, my mistake as it rolled away making for a wet shoe. Climbed on loose round rock to Girdner back to finish climb on Stirrup. 11.3 miles climbing 1112′ pedaling for 1 hr 43 mins. Average heart rate was 125. At wake up my pulse was 45 beats per min after resting Sunday.

My primary care DR at Flag saw something in my last EKG in Jan such that he ordered several tests, one was a CT scan of my heart which showed almost complete artery blockage. Been sensitized to heart issue, however, my resting heart rate  and lower BP doesn’t seem to indicate blockage, Called yesterday to make follow up appointment then learned he is out till May. Today I scheduled  another DR on Fri.

Been staying off Beaverhead Flats road at favorite spot. I stay away from the popular spots off the road at the sacrifice of not meeting people.

Beaverhead site looking SE, late afternoon

Last 2 nights I was warm enough to not burn the furnace that eliminated the blower noise, was pleasant.

Today I got after it early to ride Rabbit Ears Big Park loop from outlet mall. Still full on sunshine and rising temp. Continued sunburning. 9.21 miles climbing 906′ taking 1 hr 22 mins, lower average 111 HR as I backed off on effort while increasing blows. Lots of high speed jarring suspension compressions caused head ache. Stopped at Absolute Bike to visit, Scored overhaul of dropper post.

2 rides short of 3,000 rides. Will complete those this week. 3,000 rides completed in almost 15 years of Mountain Biking the States.


One who wanders by themself. Thanks Ian.

I am able to find many things to keep me away from writing here and other things that require work like washing my bike and van windows. I do tend to work that supports my life like laundry on Thurs and grocery shopping.

Bill from Tomichi Cycles in Gunnison shared several rides and nights out off Beaverhead last week. Desert “roads” are dry and firm but w/ poor internet. I enjoyed his company and stayed off line. I shared local ride info. He is younger and more skilled than me, we shared time at rest stops. He did an additional ride after our shared one. Back when I was younger….. . I was the navigator requiring me to take the place of Doug to figure the route and keep us found. I succeeded even with me leading from behind Bill who is faster. We did a Carroll canyon loop and gateway ramble.


Last Sat Ian drove me for another Black Canyon ride. We met Lee in her rig and Jimmy and Christine in theirs at Mayer TH. Jimmy’s bike has electric shifting that did not work, he later learned that he had inadvertently drained the battery. He and Christine returned home leaving Ian, Lee, and me. Our route decision was either S on BCT with a wet feet crossing of Big Bug creek right at the beginning or ride the Copper mtn loop again. This loop rides well either direction. Today Ian lead us the opposite way of Jimmy’s preferred direction.

BCT area
Ian and Lee on Copper mtn

14.9 miles climbing 1473′ pedaling for 2 hrs 3 mins. Jimmy’s direction was 5 mins faster not that it made any difference. Dinner at Creekside outside of Mayer.

Bill left leaving me without a riding partner. I beat myself up pretty good. I lowered my seat to bottom out post to get a greater knee bend that gave me more power. I like being lower for stability and my knees are happy. On Thurs I rode out Western Gateway trails and to check out dry feet crossings of flowing Dry Creek. 1st was Axis:

Axis crossing

Riders figuring out how to cross:

Decision at Axis crossing Dry Creek

that I would cross on return. Dry feet. Next was Rupp going away, same success:

Rupp crossing

Nice day. I still ride harder than I would prefer as heart rate data reveals. I don’t intend to but the EDGE records. 10.3 miles climbing 1007′. Back out to Beaverhead desert for the night.

Friday I rode around Hogs which is a demanding loop. Warm enough finally to wear shorts and short sleeve jersey. 15.7 miles climbing 1427′ requiring much push a bike. Ride really beat me up.

Sat Jimmy called a Prescott ride. I rode with Ian and Cody and joined Jimmy and Christine somewhere out Thumb Butte rd. Cody is a very skilled and strong rider as I watched his many tech moves. The Canfield Balance Formula bikes prevailed as Jimmy, Christine, and I ride Revels and Cody was on namesake Canfield.  Decomposed granite tread.

Cody, Jimmy, Christine, Ian on Prescott trails

Higher elevations. 10.7 miles climbing 1276′. While I was always off the back on the climbs but ahead of Christine on the downs I still rode the entire ride. 31 mins was in my 80 to 90 percent effort. I am developing an appreciation for my 46T easy gear. Post ride feed at a upscale burger place then back to VOC night at outlet mall.

Today is a rest day after 3 days of riding. Still waiting DR info about my heart.

Temp is rising to shorts range this week.

Sedona is a tourist attraction and boy do they flock to plug  rt 179 to Sedona and down Cooks hill to the Y. Too many people and more coming.


It’s out

Yesterday the dentist extracted my upper left back molar that full head X-Ray should was decayed. Original schedule was Tues morn, I had prepared myself for the procedure. On the way up to office that office called saying dentist was under the weather and would not be in, when is next opening? Found opening on Thurs, they called back later offering me yesterday one day earlier and a day earlier on my way to no head ache etc. Arrived yesterday AM, dentist started by topical numbing on opposite side. Hmm? Nerve block on that side for other side? I spoke up. Opps, mirror image. Dentist fully recovered from day off? He corrected himself then hit me with 3 injections. Numbness occurred. I asked about procedure. He said tooth is not pulled out per say but extracted. First up was wiggling it with a large flat blade screw driver then vise grip to pull the tooth out. I did not see if tools were per his description. Concern was possible root breaking from tooth which 1 root did that necessitated a rasping out remnant from skull. Said decay and infection was present and decision to remove was correct. Presently a tongue perceived pit exists.

upper left molar

Monday I drove to Cottonwood hospital to have a heart recording device glued to my chest. Device records heart electrical impulses for duration of 1 week. Device is removed (somehow) then put in a mailer bound for data analysis, results sometime in the future. All is in effort to understand heart health.

Being in Cottonwood my plan was to ride Dead Horse afterwards to start data recording. Area known as Dead Horse which is a state park that borders FS land. Costs $3 to ride in and cross state land. Rode up Bones.

Dead Horse area, Bones trail

To Upper Raptor connecting to Rust Bucket etc down Thumper and Lime Kiln out. 19.3 miles 2 hrs 36 min pedaling climbing 1457′. Rode by myself. Last year I rode the same loop following Doug, This year I was slower with higher HR.

Back to VOC. I9 bearings arrived, Tues appointment at Absolute to remove old and install new. Expectation is replacement bearings will make the hub spin longer. Tues bearings were replaced. Will learn of improvement on next ride. At present free spinning wheel doesn’t seem as fast as Steve’s.

Thurs here at laundromat. Weather came in earlier with van rocking winds and blown rain. Big sucker hole appeals. However forecast calls for 18 to 25 mph winds gusting to 39, temp high of 47. Friday weather is sunny and calm. Doug stopped for visit. We talked about riding but haven’t reach tipping point. They are leaving Fri heading back to Canada.