Yesterday and so far today the temp hit 86. Early summer? It is desert after all. Wore short top here for first time, Yesterday I hooked a dead tree branch on my right forearm letting free enough blood that I stopped and put a large band-aid over the openings that staunched the blood. Pretty sight of bright red blood running down into my glove. A spritz from hydration bladder washed the overflow.
I rode out western gateway trails crossing flowing Dry Creek over and back. I rode down Axis needing 9 mins down versus over 20 climbing out. My skull at the extraction site still sends hurt signal at every sharp jolt. Down Axis, connect stepping stoned across creek, climbing out walking on steeps to Bolo, turn left on Last Frontier riding legacy trail and FS rerouted piece hung on steep side hill.
Descended Rover down to Rupp. Comment about Rover that I shared w/ FS route maker when I helped build it: No imagination, has longest climb in whole system. Descend legacy Rupp to the creek and figured course of stepping stones to Keep my feet dry. There were some moves. But shit, the last rock about 10″ from bank I trusted a placed rock without testing it, my mistake as it rolled away making for a wet shoe. Climbed on loose round rock to Girdner back to finish climb on Stirrup. 11.3 miles climbing 1112′ pedaling for 1 hr 43 mins. Average heart rate was 125. At wake up my pulse was 45 beats per min after resting Sunday.
My primary care DR at Flag saw something in my last EKG in Jan such that he ordered several tests, one was a CT scan of my heart which showed almost complete artery blockage. Been sensitized to heart issue, however, my resting heart rate and lower BP doesn’t seem to indicate blockage, Called yesterday to make follow up appointment then learned he is out till May. Today I scheduled another DR on Fri.
Been staying off Beaverhead Flats road at favorite spot. I stay away from the popular spots off the road at the sacrifice of not meeting people.
Last 2 nights I was warm enough to not burn the furnace that eliminated the blower noise, was pleasant.
Today I got after it early to ride Rabbit Ears Big Park loop from outlet mall. Still full on sunshine and rising temp. Continued sunburning. 9.21 miles climbing 906′ taking 1 hr 22 mins, lower average 111 HR as I backed off on effort while increasing blows. Lots of high speed jarring suspension compressions caused head ache. Stopped at Absolute Bike to visit, Scored overhaul of dropper post.
2 rides short of 3,000 rides. Will complete those this week. 3,000 rides completed in almost 15 years of Mountain Biking the States.