Moving North

Tuesday morning I turned north onto Douglas Pass up, over, and down on way to Vernal, UT and McCoy Corral trails. As always worrying about van’s performance with the climb to the pass testing all systems on the 25mph narrow highway. Transmission downshifted to 2nd I believe. Crazy, the cooling fan that should have turned on to cool the hard working engine did not turn on, per the temp gauge it wasn’t needed. However, it turned on for the downhill. Westward on US 40 thru oil fields. Vernal is first large city in far eastern UT. Enter Vernal.

Vernal welcome

McCoy trails are west of town is where I drove to. I have ridden here several times. I parked at the cow corral. I slid open the sliding side door to official welcome of hungry mosquitoes. Like lots, many entered uninvited before I could slide the door closed, they were the first wave. My exposed flesh while I changed to riding clothes was prime poking skin. I squished 3 in 1 blow, not Oregon’s MT Bailey 6, but I chose not to see if a new kill record could be set. Strong wind perhaps blew them from a cattle tank maybe 1/4 mile away. Certainly their sense of blood was not that strong to find me. I wonder how they would find standing water to lay their eggs as that water was upwind. Today i am still scratching.

All alone out there. I selected a route in Trailforks to ride Festicle. Pedal trails most part some using cow paths. Spring bloom.



What those flowers are

McCoy Corral area, no trees

Warm enough to keep side door open which I blocked with mosquito netting. I slept under just the sheet. At get up time there were mosquitoes inside, many with swollen bellies containing my blood, but not everyone. Quick outside chores, I even drove short distance to CXT outhouse. BLM added a second one.

Continued to Heber City near Park City. I reserved a campsite at Rockport SP for the night. Clouds threatened rain. I parked at UVU with plan of riding Coyote loop. I pedaled away on machine built trail still wearing creation scars. Too formulary layout. I made myself pedal uphill for 50 mins then coast back. I lacked the drive to finish the climb to complete the loop.

Heber City

I followed google maps direction to campground. Always interesting following their choices. Nice campground.

Thursday I headed to Kimberly, ID and Indian Springs. Interstate driving in metro Salt Lake City. Windy. Stopped in Burley, ID laundromat as it was Thursday. Made Indian Springs TH for dinner. No mosquitoes or trees.

Friday morn I rode up Lower Sugarloaf, a greener , to gain elevation to descend blues. My body seemed to be short of gas as I stopped for blows frequently. Trail climbed like 200’/mile so blowing was understood. On previous rides I pedaled up Dry Gulch which would not be its namesake and cows would have messed the tread.

Indian Springs looking North (down)

Observe the land’s contour. Trails are rough unsanctioned hand built. The descent was satisfying as I allowed gravity to pull me over the rock features. BLM has posted carsonite posts with trail names on them replacing the missing social signs. Trailforks kept me found.

I drove into downtown twin Falls to a coffee roaster for bean resupply. City where google took me was almost empty of traffic but exisitng business, few were retail. Route out of town was on 4 lane retail area, blocks of sprawl. Crossed I 84 leaving city behind. Cross wind most way to Hailey. I had my brake pad mail order sent to Hailey. The forecast and trail conditions here in the Wood River Valley  are and were for wet trails. I wanted to check post office hoping pads were there and if so I would not be held captive till their arrival and me hanging out in the wet. Score, pads arrived that morning, choice to stay or leave. Visited with Chip at Sun Summit South. Dinner salad at KBs. Drove out valley to Steve’s driveway. So much green.

I belong to Wood River trail something, I receive weekly trail updates, Also mentioned was a trail work day at Croy on Sat, today. I scheduled my travels to attend. Steve and I drove our vans with bikes attached to TH under threatening skies. Plan was to do trail work till noon at end of work, pass on provided lunch to get a ride in before rain. Steve and I piut off gearing up because of the  required effort of uphill pealing. We packed rain jackets. We started the climb. Flowers blooming are lupine, larkspur, bluebells, balsam arrowroot, and others we do not know. Oh, bitterbrush was starting to flower. Lupine scent the air,

Steve, arrowhead balsamroot bloom

As our ride progressed the skies became less inviting. As we started our descent to parking lot sprinkles were heavy enough to dampen the tread. The closer we got to our vans the harder the sprinkles. We braked to a stop at our vans as the skies dumped. Steve’s bike rack carries the assembled bike, he put his bike on. My bike attachment requires more time to attach. I chose staying dry and sought shelter inside van. I hung inside until rain stopped many minutes later. Dirt is prolly hero dirt now and no one is here to experience and my riding is done for the day.

Steve will lead me on trails that are passable. Rain is forecast and if so, riding will be affected. I will stay here till weekend should riding be had. Next stop is Bend for dentist appointment a week from Tues.

Fruita fried

Riding out at Kokopelli trails is full on sun bake: no trees, no shade.

looking down from Mack Ridge

Temp has been in 80s, sometimes windy. Concentrating on drinking water from my 100 oz bladder carried in my new Wingnut pack. I haven’t sucked it dry…. yet.

For me challenging moves or not. Climbing Hawkeye one ride, descending it on another. Mack Ridge down only has lots of embedded rocks. Constant exposure to remaining on top of my bike. Enjoying bike’s performance and my increasing level of confidence. Several rides I parked near Kokopelli main TH to pedal up Mary’s which at the start is an abandoned jeep road. yesterday rescue service drove an ATV out to meet helicopter flying out a damaged rider. ( No official confirmation of evacuation). I was up on Wrangler’s when I heard then saw a helicopter working its way to Horsethief bench. At the TH I saw the rescue truck and trailer and later an ambulance w/o flashing lights. The descent to Horsethief is red rated on Trailforks, miscalculations occur, some resulting in an unplanned ride out. I was up on Wrangler’s where I encountered a man and woman rider off the trail. The man was hunkered in the shade provided by a juniper. He said he was heat affected. I shared advice then pedaled away. I hoped that the heli wasn’t for him. Full on exposure to sun.

This is a 3 day weekend. Yesterday the main TH was plugged as was parking on the down side at bottom start of Mary’s. I suspected many riders, I don’t like crowds, I contemplated turning around. I kept pedaling out Mary’s all by myself until almost Pizza Point. This is where a drop in to Steve’s takes off. I saw many riders following me. I continued to Mary’s end with no one ahead or following. I saw an injured rider being attended to just down the steep fall line trail at trail start. I pedaled up Wrangler’s all alone. On the previous ride I made a move around a juniper that had a hidden 3″ branch that I clipped with my left little finger. D

arn, trail builder did not properly cut that branch. Next time I planned on riding the trail I would saw it off. Yesterday I corrected the safety issue. Nice folding packable saw. I rode the climb 2 times, 14 mins each time.

Towards end of Wranglers looking at Fruita.

Today is rest day after having ridden 4 days straight.

Van brake problem has been fixed, part arrived on Wed and installed same day. I called the shop at 10:30 which was hopefully after UPS arrived. Guy said he was just going to call me to tell me part arrived. I was in town a short distance away. He said come on down which I did. In sat outside under the shade of a tree reading. Wrench finished remove and replace, took it for a short drive, and plugged in the sensor computer which sent no code. Van good to go.

I ride Catalyst Pedals, their business is Fruita. I was invited to stop by which I did, I met James Wilson the creator of the pedal. Office is a cubby hole 3 doors away from laundromat I use.

I run a SRAM 11 speed PC1170 chain which costs around $50. After yesterday’s ride I was able to force the .5″ stretch indicator between chain links. I believe the chain lasted for 689 miles. The higher priced chain outlasted the like PC1130 by 200+ miles. More expensive lasted longer.

Megan at OTE heard me tell of dead cow out where I sleep. She is from a ranching family and called me on that cow having been dumped. She said if the legs are up it’s more than likely the cow fell and could not regain its feet hence dying in place. The legs were up but I still suspect it was dumped and it landed that way. I just see carcass roadside that were dumped. None the less, it’s rotting away and I stay at an odor free spot.

Tomorrow I will be heading out north. Driving over Douglas Pass then over to Vernal, UT and McCoy flats for a one day ride and night. Next day driving to Heber City for a ride then a night in a state XG next day arriving at Indian Springs near Kimberly, ID. I receive the weekly Wood River trail report that I read today: way too much unmelted snow and muddy trails. I will visit Steve for a short visit because of trail conditions then on to Bend.

Cheat grass is going to seed:

Spring green and red. 5/22
cheat to seed

Moving out, battery spent.


Which Way?

I have a question I want to ask full time living on the road travelers. It was asked of me this last weekend by a OTE staff member. “Which way are you running, to something or away from?” I stumbled thru my answer. Presently I am just living, direction determined by the weather. When I first started I was running to ride at least once in each of lower 48 states. I only experience attraction versus repulsion. Ying and yang. I am running away from settling down. I am attracted by this lifestyle because of many home living tasks I don’t have to perform like shoveling snow or mowing grass. I am running away from a potentially broken body. I am running to mountain biking year round, running away from seasonal activities. Question works as a starting conversation.

I am now near Fruita, N of Loma on BLM land foothill just above valley. Currently air bouquet is rotting cow down in a gulley that S wind wafts its odor and temp is warm enough to have side door open. I arrived Sunday afternoon from out past Horsethief XG a ways from  Moab. Mon 8 AM I have a van exam appointment in Grand Junction. I made this day a rest day instead of a ride there. I made Fruita and OTE shop where I connected with old timer staff. Peter greeted me. I dropped off my bike for fork service hopefully to be done on Mon while I was captured at repair shop. Peter washed my bike, shop courtesy. Suffered intense anxiety making the 8 AM appointment. Arrived 7 mins early. They took my van shortly. Tech plugged in code reader: right wheel speed sensor. Shop ordered part, expected delivery was today, Tues, and install later in day. I was to call in morn to learn if part arrived. I called, no part yet, shop called later, part did not make it. Shop will call me tomorrow when part arrives in morn then install later afternoon. Good. OI drove out to Kokopelli trailhead for a ride.

I drove out and past the TH to park in small turnout to be away from others of which there were few. I rode Mary’s out to return trail Wranglers. Desert spring of Cheat grass living color.

Cheat grass
CO River up stream. Mary’s below

Pleasant ride, getting warm.

Post ride I was sitting on the side step looking around. I spied a prairie dog plucking seeds from a desert plant. In years past I have parked in same spot, I noticed burrow entrances. I was curious what population existed after several years of drought. I walked around and noticed many active entrances. Where I stay I had noticed burrow entrances that showed no sign of activity. Tomorrow i will wander around here to check population.

N of Loma, looking S, Cheat grass reddish

Back at Moab I drove up past Horsethief XG to dispersed camp spot. Many possible sleep spots unoccupied. I scored my preferred spot. Friday I rode out Chisholm etc to descent Bull Canyon then climbed back on Get Away. 22.9 miles climbing 1729′ pedaling for 3 hrs 18 mins. I pedaled the last 2 hours non stop. I use my body. Sat I rode Chisholm to its end joining Big Lonely to Coney Island then climbed back out on 7UP. 17.8 miles climbing 1368′. Another almost all non stop. I like riding under influence of THC.

on 7UP, mock orange, Monitor and Merrimac

Upcoming 3 day weekend.

Colorado river is snow melt swollen. The paved heart propelled trail from town out to weigh station is flood closed where it goes underneath I70 which is not very far above the river. Possible river will flood interstate.